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Thoughts on these people's kids names?
An influencer couple (Savannah and Cole Labrant) apparently just had their 5th kid. Their other four are called:
Everleigh Rose
Zealand Cole
Sunday Savannah
Posie RayneThe newest child is called Beckham Blue. He will apparently be called Blue, but they used it as the middle name so he could have a more normal name to use if he wants in the future.What are your thoughts on these names?
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I love the name Savannah; it's a favorite of mine. The other names aren't my cup of tea, at all.
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I can’t say I love any, except Rayne and Rose
I especially hate Beckham Blue

This message was edited 5/21/2024, 4:44 PM

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The middle names apart from Blue are reasonable, although I think the spelling of Raine looks nicer. The first names are pretty silly. I mean Everleigh would be fine if spelled as Everly, but other than that it's nice.
Beckham Blue got the short end of the stick.
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I suppose they are part of a conspiracy to influence people to give their children names like John and Mary. Very subtle.
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The only name i like is Rose
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It sounds like a paint color. Sunday Savannah is cute I guess, Posie sounds like a nickname moreso, Everleigh is fine but Everly looks better, and Zealand is interesting.
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I like Zealand Cole. Everleigh Rose isn't horrible. The others are awful.
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I've never heard of these people so I guess they haven't "influenced" me too much at all. I couldn't help but notice that they gave two of their children their own names in the middle spots. I think that says a lot about this couple.The names of their children are just another one more example of parents who try too hard to be cool at the expense of the innocent who have to grow up with names they've given themI think Zealand, Sunday and Posie make quirky middle names but I wouldn't use them as first names.I don't like Beckham Blue (or Beckett for that matter). I find "Beck" names very harsh.
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Typical influencer names, I guess. So the littlest one either chooses between an overexposed soccer player name or a name like someone's hunting dog. Nice.
PThe youngest girl's name is nauseatingly cutesy.
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