Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Like all Yoruban names, it has an awesome meaning. The nickname Demi is quite nice.
It doesn't mean illegitimacy. It just means the mother was giving birth, and the father wasn't around (at work, traveled). Simple as that.
I used this as the last name of the hero of a story, so now I can't shake the surname sound of it (but I guess that's my own fault :).) Anyway, I've noticed that African names often state random facts about the time the individual was born; just because the father isn't around when the baby is born doesn't mean that the mother and father aren't married. From what I understand, it's not uncommon for the father to not be in the room with the mother during the labor process--wouldn't that be "born in father's absence"? I know where you guys are comming from; but it could mean anything.
It's a nice name, but the meaning could give people the wrong idea.
I agree, it could mean illegitimacy.

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