Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My name is Alexius, and I am a woman. My mother was aware this was in most European origins, a male name, none the less, she adored the name and felt a feminine aura from the name. Alexius does feel masculine in the sense of when you say it, it’s unique and an immensely empowering name, but the name also carries out a softness to it. I noticed a lot of people saying it was just wrong for people to name their female child Alexius. I am grateful to have been blessed with this name that has given me a great sense of pride and confidence. My name is liberating and makes me feel almost aristocratic every time I hear it. Whether or not you believe the name is meant for a man or woman, I believe you should simply look at the name for the history it holds and all the great people who have given this name shape.
New families don't exercise enough research before naming their son's and daughter's a beautiful name. American and Europeans make the mistake of calling a girl Alex, Alexis or Alexius. History is important. That is why new families should take the time to name their baby. Even to honor their family heritage, immediate ancestors, great care should be considered. For girls "a", Alexa, Alexia, Alicia, Alexandra or Anastasia.
Males/Boys are strong ancient names to modern present names. Be thoughtful. Besides, this is your baby who will grow up to bear the name. Be considerate!
People are confused or incorrectly name their newborn with names that are meant for boys and what is meant for girls. In America, I noticed many families take this for granted or failed to conduct meaningful research before naming their baby girl or boy. I have witnessed girls and women say my names is ALEX or ALEXIS or ALEXIUS. Americans think this is a girl's name or unisex. This is so far from the truth. Plain ignorance. It's a boy's name. Families that want to name their baby girl with Alex should add "Alexa" or "Alicia" or "Alexandra" or "Alexia" I also noticed new makeup names that are not realistic. I feel sad for those kids that have to wake up every day to names that were meant for pets.
As crazy as it may seem, I thought this name was a girl's name. I'm a writer, and while trying to think of an interesting name for my female lead character, I thought "Alexis" or "Alexus". Then I thought, "why not make it interesting and combine the two to make it 'Alexius'?". I pronounced it "uh-lex-ee-us", though I'm not sure what the technical pronunciation is.

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