Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I just LOVE THIS! What isn’t to love? It’s a classic, it won’t be misspelled or pronounced. If you say it’s too basic, I’d rather be named Alice than Braxaleigh or Zaedynn. I’d love to use it someday.
It fits perfectly with my other girl name choices, Helen, Madeleine, and Charlotte. Love it!
Beautiful name.
It's a very pretty name, but maybe a little rough and tomboyish, obviously not with Alice in Wonderland but just girls with the name in general.
A classic, pretty name.
Not too common where I'm from, surprised if it's even common at all, it's a lovely name, it was popular in the 1800s but it's very dated now.
Sounds a bit old.
Despite being underused these days, Alice gives off such gentle vibes. Not a speck of harshness in it.
Alice is a really cute name and it reminds me Alice in Wonderland which is one of my favorite movies of all time.
I named my daughter Alice after Milla Jovovic's badass character Alice Abernathy in the Resident Evil movies, but I've always like it and it's my favourite girls' name by a country mile.
Simple, elegant, slightly regal and classic.
Has great connotations with Alice in Wonderland and is given a bit of an edgy coolness by being in a Sisters of Mercy record, the Twilight books, Alice Cooper etc etc.It must be 25 years since I ever heard anyone even mention that Smokie song.
One of my all-time favorite girl names. I love its meaning, namesakes and the fact that it works in English, French, and Italian.
How can you not like this name, it’s simply beautiful and timeless.
Classic, simple, sweet, strong.
Very sophisticated.
When I was younger, I absolutely adored this name! In fact, my set combo for a little girl (when I was 5) was Daisy Alice. I still think that Alice is a cool sounding name; I love how it has such a long history! Alice is a very gentle-sounding name with a secret, sour punch. If you’re looking for nicknames, try Ali (or any spelling) or maybe even Liss!
I used to find Alice a bit dull, on the account of knowing about 5, but now I really love it. It’s so simple and classic, yet has so much personality. It’s also really versatile, somehow managing to fit a sweet farm girl or a gothic princess. Gorgeous.
I absolutely love this name! It’s very feminine without sounding frilly and has a lovely vintage feel. But I don’t like the nickname Allie. Alice is currently my favorite girl name.
Call me insane but this name reminds me of the word 'dialysis' a bit.
Strange but wonderful.
One of my favourite feminine names. Though it is quite common, I never get tired of it. It fits absolutely any age, it's pleasant to look at, hear, and pronounce (at least in my first language, French) It's simple but not too simple, it's beautiful...
Would definitely consider this name for a child if I ever have one someday.
I know someone whose middle name is Alice, tho it's spelled ELLICE. Horrible imo, I strongly prefer Alice.
Alice in Wonderland. A springtime name. Simple yet beautiful.
Love the name Alice, my aunt and grandmother were named Alice. My uncle Frank married an Alice and his mother's name was Alice. My grandfather's name was also Frank. We had two Alice's both married to Franks. Was interesting!
Alice is my favourite classic girl's name. Short but sweet and without an ounce of twee.
I love it! My favorite pronunciation is A-lees because it sounds like Elise. But I like Al-is.
Love! The nickname Ali is also so beautiful!
Absolutely gorgeous. I like this name Alice because it's pretty ❤❤.
I think Alice is a beautiful name that has gracefully stood the test of time. I love its meaning “noble, exalted”, its length, the adorable potential nickname Ali/Ally, the lovable association with the classic Alice In Wonderland, and everything else about it. It has a gorgeous vintage charm but also sounds sweetly modern and it ages wonderfully.
Overall, I think Alice is a lovely name.
Very pretty! Reminds me of Alice in Wonderland.
Pretty and classic. The spelling Alicia is beautiful too.
Cute. Love that this name is back! The nickname Ali is very sweeet!
Beautiful, I think of "Alice in Wonderland".
Love❤️. The nickname Ali is so pretty!
Beautiful name, but is very common.
I’m not a fan of Alice, but the nickname Ali is so sweet & innocent!
Alice is beautiful! It's so sweet.
Alice has a very soft quality to it...Very euphonious.
Alice is such a sweet, soft and loving name with a touch of refinement and a sprinkle of wonder. She's the darling of literature...Did you know the "real" Alice had dark hair? I expect your child will be able to be gifted lots of whimsical and original pieces of art which will already be personalized :) Even without the inevitable Wonderland connection, Alice is a blend of royalty, sophistication and sweetness. A truly enchanting name! Very pretty on a blonde and undeniably chic on a brunette!
Alice is so cute and modern! Of course it was made way back in the day but I still think this name works for any age!
A beautiful name, especially how the name rolls off the tongue. Other than the "Alice of Wonderland" comments associated with this name, it is an excellent name, and I would consider naming your child this!
Love this name. It has many variants: Alys, Alis, Alyss. It also sounds pretty classic.
Alice is a nice, classic name. We absolutely LOVE the nickname Ali as well.
I didn’t realize how popular this is getting, the #16 most looked up name on nameberry so far in 2021. I personally think of an old lady. However, the nickname, Ali, is absolutely ADORABLE!
It's really cute! Maybe for a fictional character though because of how common it is.
Beautiful! Really wish it wasn't so common! :(
Beautiful, timeless, classy name. I can imagine a very smart, adventurous, and beautiful woman with this name that means "noble." A perfect name.
Boring antiquated name.
I'm Italian and in my language it has a nice sound to me. But it's also (same spelling and same pronunciation) the name of a fish (the anchovies) and it always has stopped me from loving this name, unfortunately. It's sad.
I like Alice! Although it's quite common, it's a very pretty name and a lovely choice! :)
I love it as a middle name. With the right first name, Alice adds the icing on the cake.
Beautiful name.
Name aesthetics for Alice!:
Adorable name! the images don't show up please pm me and I can show them to you- stella
It's beautiful. ♥.
So pretty!
I love this name for its timeless nature and its classic feel. My only “complaint” is that I can’t stop seeing it as “a lice”. If you don’t feel that way, by all means this is a gorgeous name.
Alice isn’t really an overused/common name. It’s not unique, but it’s not really popular like Emma or Olivia.
If only it wasn’t overused...
Alice is such a nice name! I’m considering this for a daughter one day. I’m surprised the popularity of this name isn’t higher. I hope it doesn’t increase too much like the names Olivia, Emma, Amelia, Ava, etc.
Alice is a lovely name, It’s WAY better than Allison. It’s easy to spell and pronounce, and it also ages well. That is unlike most names that parents are using nowadays. I’m considering this for if I ever have a daughter.
I love the name Alice! Well, I guess I’m biased as it’s my name, but I love the way it rolls off the tongue. I think it has a classic feel and a sweet but somewhat mature vibe to it, really fits my personality, but it really can fit anyone’s. My father often calls me by the Italian pronunciation as a nickname. Apart from a few “Alice in Wonderland” comments as a kid, I’ve always been grateful for my awesome name!
Means 5 star rating.
This is my name and I love it! I love literature and the whole gothic and dark side to the name. It gets shortened to Allie/Ali by people close which I like. I know very few Alices and not one of us is bland! My middle name's Lily which I think goes nicely.
What a gorgeous name!
Alice is a really cute and lovely name. :)
Alice is a beautiful name.
Though it may seem common or bland at first, the name Alice, to me, is a soft and delicate name. It rolls off the tongue nicely and it seems very sweet. I know several girls called Alice.
Beautiful! I love the combo Alice Madalena :).
I love this name! It's cute, sweet, feminine strong, classic, timeless and ages well. Any girl would be lucky to be named Alice.
It’s fine but way too girly and I definitely prefer Allison. Better than Alyce though.
Alice is a gorgeous name.
Alice is a timeless name, both elegant and cute. Its meaning is lovely, and I love the reference to Alice in Wonderland!
Sounds kinda bland and it's heavily associated with Alice in Wonderland.
I live in Brazil, and Alice is a very popular female given name here, that's a very beautiful, cute and nice name in my opinion too :)
My mum loves the name Alice but unfortunately couldn’t use it as our Surname is Spriggs which sounds (and often gets mistaken for Springs) Alice Springs is a place in Australia. Therefore I’m considering it for a middle name for my daughter as my mum will have it somewhere in the family.
I didn't know that Alice is considered old-fashioned in English speaking countries. Here in Italy it's very common since the '80s and it's still really popular (it was the 4th most common name for girls born in Italy in 2017) and generally it's considered a very sweet, fresh and cute name. Personally I love it, I associate it with Alice in Wonderland and I find the sound of the name really melodic.
My name is Alice, and I hate my name, it’s totally ordinary, I've got 3 other girls in my grade with the name Alice and 5 with my last name. I wish my name was more interesting like Juni or Amelié, but Alice? ew I hate it, and I lisp a lot and then when I say ”Alice” it sounds disgusting and same with my last name, (Nilsson) I lisp on both my first name and last name, what a disaster.
To the girl complaining about her name and the lisp thing - what an incredibly silly thing to be so withdrawn for. If you hate your name that badly I suggest changing it. The name is a very feminine and strong, noble, and royal name. Anyone would be lucky to have such a name and your mishap with the lisp is nobody else's problem. Take it up with who named you and quit sinking the name for everyone else. Your personal impression of the name is more of a personal complaint over having the name in which again, I suggest changing it. Frankly, the impression you gave me is that you don't deserve the name.
I adore this name. It has a classic and cute vibe, and it was not very common where I live, which I like. I think it works as a full name rather than it being short for "Alison". I tend to like shorter names, so this one is icing on the cake.
Classic name, sort of. I really like the Italian pronunciation, like 'ali-che'.
Whimsical, timeless, gorgeous, wow a perfect name for a baby girl all the way to grown woman. Reminds me of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (no surprise there) and there are no problems with that.
I love the name Alice! It’s cute as a full name or a nickname for Alison. I thought there was something masculine about the name, but it’s grown on me the right way, so I like it as a girl’s name.
Although I prefer Adelaide, I don't hate the sound of Alice and think it's a very safe, classic name but also interesting, especially among common names today.
❤ Pretty name ❤.
I like Alice. It's pretty much overlooked, you see it everywhere, plus in some countries it's very popular right now as far as I know. That's why even if I wouldn't live in Poland, I wouldn't rather call my daughter Alice. But I still like it, it's very girly, but also I must agree with one of the comments above that it has that very intriguing Gothic, tragic vibe, which I really like. I don't really associate it with "Alice In Wonderland". I like how Alice is elegant, classy and fits a woman of any age. I think an Alice is a very kind-hearted, good-looking, caring, expressive woman who loves art and is just sweet and has a good taste and loves beauty. The pronunciation I like more though is Alys, although it has a completely different feel. I kind of like our Alicja too, it has this Alice feel plus something very noble-sounding to it, but it's fairly popular right now and losing its mysterious charm for me.
Alice is a beautiful, classic name, and so feminine. I love it.
I think it's a rather pretty name, it was my great-grandma's name as well. I'd probably give my daughter this name someday.
Alice is one of the sweetest, saddest, most Gothic names out there. No lie. I think it's mainly due to literary history, which then influenced popular music (Jefferson Airplane's "White Rabbit," Sisters of Mercy's "Alice," etc.). Alice is equally at home in a bright sundress, ghostly white, and in all black with a spiky choker.Also, I think Alice is most fitting on a redhead. Just my perception.
What can I say about Alice? It is a wonderful name and it absolutely delights me to know that it's rising in popularity. I originally thought about using Alice for a possible second daughter but very unfortunately, I cannot find that perfect middle name to go with it. Also I know that my sister was in love with this name for a long time too, and I was almost certain that if she had a daughter, her name would be that. She does have a daughter but she isn't named Alice but in some alternate universe in my mind, her name is that. I'm aware how bizarre that sounds but for me, using Alice just wouldn't feel right. It also doesn't go with my #1 girl name that I absolutely plan to use as well as another name I have lined up. I wouldn't use Alice most likely, but I strongly encourage anyone else to. It's a great name!
The thing I like most about my name is its meaning about truthful nobility.
My name is Alice. I don't love or hate it. If you name your child this you are setting them up to receive a million "Oh, like Alice in Wonderland" comments or related jokes, which are more common for the first 20 years, then slow down. You also get people singing "Alice, Alice, who the f*** is Alice?" A LOT. Perhaps that one will die down with a newer generation. I also have many people misspell my name, assuming it is instead Allison, Alicia or Alex.
I do enjoy the nicknames my closer friends have given me, including Ali and Ally (both pronounced Al-ee), Al and A.
I really love the name Alice because to me it means so many nice things. It also reminds me of books, which I love. That is because of Alice in Wonderland, which is truly amazing. The main character there is any girls dream. Well, she is to me. So yeah, I adore the name Alice.
I love the name Alice beautiful, royal and sweet! I would give my daughter this as a middle name so Beatrice Alice or Matilda Alice.
Pretty name but not very interesting.
Classy and cute.
I basically call myself Alice because I was named after a family member named Alice, but my name is Alle and I can't find the meaning of it. Alle is apparently hard to say... It's Allie without the I, I have often said I was going to change the spelling of it to Alleigh just to rub it in.
As a longtime lover of Alice in Wonderland, I can't help but love Alice as a name. It's so pretty and sweet, but unusual and just a bit mad, in a good way. Back when I used to want kids, I wanted to name one Alice, and this maternal love for the name still stands even though I no longer want to have children. I'm also a big fan of Alice Cooper's music, so that helps too, ha ha.
This name is simply beautiful. Every positive adjective can be used to describe it. If you are considering this name for your little girl, some combos I have that you more than welcome to take a look at are:Alice Caroline
Alice Charlotte
Alice Veronica
Sarah Alice
Savannah Alice
Josephine Alice.
This name is so boring! Don't give your daughter this name. She will go through life with a dull and uninteresting personality. Totally over-rated name.
This has always been a favourite girl's name for me. Love how simple it is and how it sounds lovely both on children and adults.
I am 14 and my name is Alice and I love it. It is simple and quiet and pretty. I prefer my name not to be shortened but if it is it is always shortened to Al. I DESPISE the nickname Allie or Ally for Alice though. I like its literary connections as well, I love to read. I have met about three other Alice's in my life.
I love my name, not only because it is a classic and has its own film, but because it is short and cute. The only downside to it is I don't have any nicknames.
I think this name is okay, but I much prefer Alicia. Alice in Wonderland freaked me out when I was little, and it kind of left an impression of the name for me.
My best friend is Alice. She is kind and sweet and honest. She is so cool too.
This is my name. It's old-fashioned, but it is quite common. I don't like the fact that when people think of Alice they think of "blonde haired, blue eyed girl" or "old lady baking cookies" and I hate that song "Alice the camel"! Overall, I like this name it is a pretty one but it does suggest that that person is delicate and I am NOT delicate!
If I have a daughter I am going to name her this but, the Italian way. A unique way to say an older, commonly used name.
An easily forgettable name. A kid who is named this will have the problem of constantly reminding someone what their name is as this name is so boring! I'm so glad William and Kate did not use this name for their daughter.
I love this name! It will stand the test of time:) Strong, pretty.
A lovely classic name... strong, yet feminine.
Nice name, but very overdone on the fantasy side.
Snooze... a very boring name.
It's simply pretty and happily classic. I would probably have named my boy Alice Isabella after both my grandmothers (had he been a girl). I'm glad their names are revived again. People who don't like the -lice component. Might want to consider the Welsh form Alys.
I think this is an alright name. You could do worse. I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with it, it just doesn't really "pop" or stand out to me. A good thing is that you wouldn't be one of a million Alice's.
Horrible, boring name. Does not give the impression of a strong woman.
It's my name. I have always liked it. My mom was Mary Alice, I am Alice Marie. I think is is simple, elegant, noble, common, strange, mysterious, strong, dainty, and all around AWESOME. I NEVER did not like or appreciate my name... though I used to go around telling people my REAL name was Wilhemina Philomena Laura Potts... I thought Alice was to EASY for me... LOL.
Awful name. It's an old lady name!
I absolutely adore this name. Sounds very classic, elegant and beautiful. (:
This name is sweet, but boring. On the TV show, Mel's Diner, the main character, Alice, is plain and mousy so this name reminds me of someone PLAIN, MOUSY and BORING. Don't like how this name sounds either. The beginning, "Al", has a nice upward sound but then the end of the name falls flat and dull with a lispy/hiss sound, "LICE".
Also, Looks like and reminds me of "A lice!" Gross!
My 3 year old is named Alice. Here in the US it's not a very common name for little girls, or anyone besides older women, for that matter. Obviously, its been receiving a popularity boost since about 2009, but I've loved the name since I was little. It's so beautiful and old fashioned. Personally, I think it's silly how parents these days are trying so hard to give their children 'unique' names and end up making something up while names like this that have been around for ages go unnoticed. I cannot picture an Alice who isn't bright, energetic, and smiling all the time, like my little girl :-) I'm very glad that its making a comeback, I have a feeling it will be in the top 100 in a few years. It really is a perfect name, and an excellent choice for a little girl!
Alice is my favourite name for a girl I am not planning on having children any time soon but if and when I do, I will want to call her Alice if it is a girl. I just love everything about this name: the sound, the spelling and the meaning, which is noble. It is hard to think of middle names though. Alice itself is a great middle name as well as a perfect first name because it flows really well but finding a middle name for Alice is hard. So far I like Alice Marina, Alice Juliette, Alice Lily or Alice Rose.
I am an aspiring author and my character "Alice" is a spirited, brown eyed and haired girl who is an obvious tomboy and often embarrasses her friend with her antics [this is back when ladies were... Well, ladies!] So that Wonderland stereotype doesn't apply to me! I love the name for a strong willed spunky girl.
Alice is my name. I used to hate it because in school at recess I would be skipping around in a blue dress to my shins and a little bow in my hair with mary janes and people would be laughing "Here's Alice, Our very best friend, skipping in wonderland!" Soon I got used to it and started loving my name. I can't believe I still do in middle school. I'm going to name my daughter after my name. I'm going to name her Alicia.
My name's Alice and I love it. There are so so many spellings, which frustrate me, and pronunciations which I adore. I often get called Alison or Alex, but my favourite nickname is Al, named after my favourite fictional character, Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist.But the one thing thing that really really gets up my nose is when people think that just because I'm called Alice, I'm going to be all kind and innocent. I think I get into fights purely so people don't assume that I'm all sweet. The bright red hair doesn't help either.
This is a wonderful classic. Short, simple and sweet. I love the association with Alice in Wonderland, Alice Walker, Alice Sebold and Alice Cooper. This name is so lovely. If it weren't so popular, I would give this as a first name. Now, I will use it in the middle spot.
This name is so striking... Seriously, you cannot get more gorgeous than this!
I think this is a nice, classic name. However, I can't help but think of lice when I look at the name. Also, the Italian pronunciation (ah-lee-che) reminds me of leeches.
Simple, but pretty girls name. I associate it with Alice in Wonderland.
One of my closest friends' name is Alice. We call her Allie. I think this name is so brilliant. It is a very sweet and charming name. Very classic. 10 out of 10 This is the kind of name that won't take over the girl. The girl will make the name. The name will not make the girl. This name can be to an athletic girl, academic girl, or even a cheerleader girl. This name has many possibilities.
Alice seems like an old lady name or a little girl's name - can't imagine it on anyone in between really. It's an ok name I guess but Alicia is better.
I don't know why, but this name makes me think of a girl who is sweet and mousy looking.
I love this name! It's classic and cute and also will do well for any age! Cute on a little girl. I would use it. I don't mind that it's a popular name because it's just so cute and adorable!
I'm an aspiring novelist, and with this name, I think I'd only ever apply to it a villainous character.
Alice is an incredibly sweet and gentle name, so I could only apply that to someone who is the exact opposite; someone devious, coarse, evil, even. And it rather oddly suits a villain, like that.
I really like this name. Unlike "Ichabod", it's a name with a good literary association. Plus, it sounds pretty and creative. I can imagine little Alice growing up to be an artist.
Probably my favourite girl name. Beautiful.
Alice is one of my favorite girl names. It's so beautiful and sweet. It's a lovely name.
The English pronunciation is so boring, but I think the French and Italian pronunciations sound WONDERFUL.
Alice is a cute name, I suppose. I prefer Adelaide though.
Simple and pretty, though overused in literature.
Hehe someone spelled my sister's name ALIS. Silly! It's ALICE! I like the Spanish version, Alicia.
I dunno. It's sweet and simple, but also kind of plain. Like really.:| I like the French pronunciation.
My name is Alice, and I couldn't be happier with it. It has its drawbacks, of course. People tend to call me Alex or Allison, and of course there's the inevitable "Alice in Wonderland" association, but I've learned to use it to get people to remember my name, rather than just get annoyed about it. "Um. I forgot your name." "Alice. Like Wonderland." There are worse things to be associated with. It's also uncommon without being unpronounceable/impossible to remember.
A sweet name for a little girl and a mature name for a grown woman. This name has always been a favorite due to Alice in Wonderland.
I quite like the name Alice. It's such a shame how unpopular it's become. In this fifteen-year-old's opinion, it's a very timeless and classy name. It can sound either cute or mature, and as a result is a name that can stick no matter your age without seeming pretentious or annoying.
There is something very intelligent about this name: I don't see this as a sickly sweet little-girl name at all - it seems sharp and cool to me. I imagine Alice as someone not to be messed with. Perfect for all ages.
Alice is is a very popular name in different medias, but not as much in real life- though it's on its way to. I don't mind- it fits little girls and older women alike, and reminds me of surrealism stories and the shade of blue.
I'm sorry, but I dislike this name. Mostly because it's mine. I've had to deal with the many associations with this name. Some of my teachers call me Alice in Wonderland. I appreciate that it's a nice name with a good meaning, but I would personally prefer a name without such an immediate impression.
Like the name Jane, this name seems to have a dark side. Not a bad thing, IMHO.
Writing a book? Steer clear of Alice and its variants for any character, especially if they happen to be the 'strange' character.
I love this name. It's very simple but classy. It sounds so sweet and innocent. Very old timey too. I don't think I've ever even met an Alice.
Alice is one of the few names that I think are completely perfect, in every way. Gorgeous, timeless, works on any type of person, and plenty of nicknames.
My name is Alice, and I've always been quite neutral towards it. I think it's a classical name, and it can be pretty or dark thanks to certain famous bearers. However, I've actually started to hate being called Alice since the Twilight books (I don't like Twilight at all), and so many of my friends keep telling me how 'lucky' I am to share Alice Cullen's name. I don't think so. I much preferred the 'White Rabbit' and Alice Cooper references I used to get pre-Twilight. Overall though, I guess it's on ok name.
I'm scared for the future of this name. It's been my favorite name since I was a little girl. I even named my BOY cat Alice when I was 3 :) I just really don't want it to become wildly popular because of Twilight. I love the books, but I won't want to name my daughter this someday if every other girl is named that.
I LOVE THIS NAME! It is very beautiful and very old-fashioned. However - thanks to the Twilight books - this name may become very popular very soon. But whatever happens to this name, its beauty will always remain! (:
I think Alice is a lovely name. I think it's really underrated, and looks good on a woman aged 90 and a girl aged 2, in other words, it fits any age. Great name. :)
I love Alice! It's such a cute name! And it suits all ages. It makes me think of Alice Cullen from Twilight, which is good because she's like my fave character. Overall I give it an eight out of ten. If I have a girl there's definitely a possibility I'll call her Alice.
With Alyssa so popular, I'm surprised Alice hasn't been used more lately. I think I do prefer Alyssa, since you can get the nickname Lyssie, but Alice has a nice soft sound, that reminds me of a Victorian-era British girl.
I've always really liked this name. It makes me think of:
1. A little girl with blond hair
2. Alice Cullen, Edward's "sister" in the Twilight books
3. Alice Wilder, Almanzo's sister in the Little House books
4. Alice Deere, Angela and Denton Deere's daughter in The Westing game.
One of my favorite names of all time. If I had a daughter I'd give her this name. If only the general association wasn't always Alice In Wonderland. There are many other things to name an Alice after. (On the contrary, however, Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorite books.)
Alice stands for
ExtraordinaryBeautiful name!
I love this name, but I see it as being on either a very sweet or very gothic girl. I don't see my future daughter as being enough of either, but somewhere in between. I think I will persuade my friend to use this name one day though. She'd like the classic and gothic thing.
My middle name is Alice. A couple of friends make fun of me because it's so old-fashioned sounding coupled with my first name (Margaret), but I kind of like it. It's after my great-grandma Al (short for Alice obviously), and it does work nicely with Margaret even though everyone calls me Maggie. Margaret Alice sounds much better than Maggie Alice.
I love this name. It's very nice. However, I always seem to use it humorously.
My name is Alice. I always loved me name, it was different for girls my age at the time (born in 1958), of course, I have had to hear "Go Ask Alice", "Alice Blue Gown", ... In Wonderland ... In DAIRYland (born in WI!) ... doesn't live here anymore, and ON and ON! :)
For my 50th birthday this summer a local DJ, known for a "Connect The Classics" contest used my name as the answer playing "Alice" songs. That was cool. Alice In Chains, White Rabbit and Cooper.
Nicknames! My long-standing one for over 30 years has been "Malice". In High school it was "AL". (?) In grade school, from the dork boys it was All-ASS. Not too nice. Oh well. It's not too common, and old ladies have that name. Oh wait! I AM one now! :)
Overall, I am very happy with it. I am a dog walker by trade and my initials are AKC. Perfect.
It's such a nice little name, but that makes you wonder if it'll haunt your kid. They'll forever be tagged by that sweet-like-gumdrops feel.
Cool simple name.
Alice makes me think of
(1)a really old lady baking cookies
(2)Alice in Wonderland
(3)A girl who is mentally unstable
(4)Alice Cullen.
It's funny, people keep saying it reminds them of Alice in Alice In Wonderland, but to me I think of a small, thin girl, extremely pale and black short hair, and maybe in her late teens. Pixie or fairy like I guess. I've always thought of it that way. No, I didn't get that from the Book Twilight either. I've always imagined it like this. I like my view better than a blonde haired, blue eyed little girl. :)
I love this name. It's so extremely pretty and feminine. Much better than Alicia. (But, as a huge fan of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, I might be biased.)
Totally vomitable, and only suitable for pet cockroaches or gold-diggers on soap operas! BLEUGH! YUCK! VOMIT!
I love the name Alice and wish that it would stay unpopular! It is so classic and elegant and old fashioned (which I love, modern names are such a bore!). My favorite character (other than Edward and Bella) in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series is Alice which makes me love it even more.
Alice is such a sweet, lovely name. Too bad it's a bit overused these days.
I was named after my great-grandmother Alice. My name is Allison though, my mom wanted to modernize the name. But I think the name Alice sounds nice. Too bad people tend to think of Alice and Wonderland when they hear the name. I think the name Alice will once again regain popularity. I know someone that named her little girl this name. It's very cute!
I love the name Alice! It's good for girls and boys, but I personally like it on guys WAY better!
Too plain for me, I much prefer Adelaide! But it isn't very popular, which is nice.
This is my cousin's name, and she doesn't like it at all. She goes by Ally most of the time, but I like Alice better.
Alice is a wonderful name that will age so well with the young woman who bears it.
This is my middle name, and I don't like it at all. I'm planning to change it, once I find good names to replace both it and my first name with.
A very pretty name. I admit I prefer Alison, but since it's so much more common, and my preference is not very strong, I'd much sooner use Alice.
This is my name. I suppose it's one of those names that looks nice to other people, but when you actually have the name, it's difficult to appreciate. I get called things like 'Allison' and 'Al' all the time. And it seems that nobody can resist making that tiresome 'Alice in Wonderland' crack. It doesn't help that I fit the 'blue eyed blond' stereotype, either.In youth, I hated my name. It's taken me years to come to terms and finally accept it, although I wouldn't go so far as to say I am happy with it.
I one met a girl who spelled her name "Allis". I absolutely loathed that spelling, somehow I felt it ruined this name that looks so elegant and somewhat exotic spelled out. "Alice" is great, but "Allis"? No way!
I think this name is pretty. It is not overused which is nice. At the same time, though, I don't think I'll name my daughter this.
I love this name! It's timeless!
A simple, classic, and pretty name.
At first I didn't like this name, but it's grown on me. I would never use it because of how popular it is, though.
Love this name. It is classic and has a good sound to it. If I have a daughter she will be named Alice.
Frankly, I'm not so fond of this name; it sounds so dull to me, although the French pronunciation is pretty in a way. Still, there's some sort of ring to "Alice" that I don't like. Maybe it's the spelling, maybe it's because of Lewis Carrol's "Alice in Wonderland" (I don't like Lewis Carroll), I don't know why.
I absolutely adore this name! My name is Alex but when I introduce myself most people hear Alice so I get called that and I clearly don't mind so no need to fix that mistake. :P
Simple and sweet. This name will make an appearance when I have children, I'm sure.
Really nice-sounding name, and it's better that it is more associated with Wonderland than with drugs.
I think it is quite overused, I don't like it that much.
I always think of Alice in Wonderland when I hear the name. At a former job everyone would call me Alice because they said I looked so much like the character and then a new girl was hired with my name so I got a new name tag and went by Alice while at work. It was fun and I like the name. It's very pretty and simple.
Alice Cooper has managed to make the name Alice scary.
This name is so classic and sweet. It can work on a girly girl or a more "darker" girl.
One of my best friends is called Alice. I think it's a real cute, girly name and quite an English sort of a name. It sounds good for a little girl or a woman. It's unfortunate the word "lice" is in it, though!
My name is Alice and it is ok, I suppose. The only problem is my name doesn't have any good nicknames. If you know one please tell me! Or leave a comment about this name and the nickname. Please I'm desperate!
I have a friend called Alice in France and I myself and a few other friends of mine give her the nickname, 'Ally', or sometimes like a code name, we call her 'Ice.' I hope that helps!I definitely think Alice is a beautiful name!
I wouldn't name my daughter this, because it's rather boring, but I enjoy it. The only Alices I know are a sweet old lady at my church and a Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy that lives across my street. It's very simple, classy, and poetic, and possesses a certain dark, almost gothic element. I think Emily, Violet, and Jane are similar -- beautiful, old-fashioned names with a tragic, Shakespearean undertone that are at first glance very ordinary and dull.
I think Alice is a very pretty name. I wonder why it has become so unpopular. It is not only beautiful, but also does not risk being mispronounced all the time, unlike Alicia.
I agree that Alice is seldom used nowdays. It's not as common as it was about 50 years ago, so today someone named Alice would be different.
I love the name Alice, it's so underrated and people seem to think of 'Alice in Wonderland' when they hear it, but it's just such a great name.
When I hear the name Alice I picture a sweet, blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl. I guess that's because of Alice In Wonderland. Nevertheless, I think this is a very simple and sweet name.
Alice is a short, sweet and feminine name, I love it.
I love it, I'm naming my daughter that name. It's not very popular, but very beautiful. Perfect.
This is another great, classy name. It's simply pretty, and also my Aunt's name. I like the french pronunciation, A-LEES, better.
Alice is a great, great name, and it has the word ice in it!
Alice is such a sweet and pretty name, I quite like it.

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