Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Not my thing, but I totally see the appeal.
REALLY cool name for a cat!
This name sounds really good but it sends off fantasy character vibes. I'd find it kinda weird for a boy in real life, but I'd definitely name a character in a book like this.
I love this name. It’s classic, but not stuck up. And it’s not overused. Of course, I have a friend with this name, so I might be biased.
This is the name of my late father. I think it’s a beautiful name and suited him perfectly. The meaning of it is defender of man. If I have a son someday I would like to call him Alistair. He went by the nickname “ster”, which in Afrikaans which means star.
Alistair is a lovely, sophisticated name with many alternative spellings (that, unlike spelling names like "Ashley" as "Ashleigh", are correct and have existed throughout history). There's the British Alastair or Alistair (my personal favourite), and the Scottish Alasdair, and they're all pronounced the same way: "al-i-STUR". I think it's a fresh alternative to Alexander, my favourite masculine name, which has become extremely popular in the recent years.
I know someone called this but they go by Al or Allie instead. One of my mum's friends wanted to cal her daughter this. We talked her out of it though.
I like this name, it is a nice alternative to Alexander.

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