Comments (Personal Impression Only)

In Maltese, it's god, in Armenian, it's hello.
I don't like Alla.
Alla is used here in Ukraine and in Russia. It sounds soft feminine and pretty. Short and sweet :) I do often think it looks or sounds incomplete though, as though there needs to be more to the name such as a longer form, kind of like it's lacking something, or it's not entire. I think it is how I feel for a lot of short names but this is just my opinion. The other con's are probably the meaning isn't so wonderful, the comparison to Allah (Islam) and it's a word in Swedish as well as in Italian.
I don't know if this name would be understood or appreciated by other nationalities or cultures for those reasons. For a short name, It is beautiful.
Don't like it. Sounds too close to Allah to be used in English.

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