Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I have to say, after reading most of the earlier comments from multiple people which state Alyssa's to them are the "bitchy" type of gal who will make out with all her friends boyfriends and then point out all the "good" she does on a regular basis to the rest of the world! This made me laugh as i can recall a few very identical mythical beasts who shared this name while i was in junior and senior high school.. i almost wondered if the people who posted their opinions were in fact my old classmates lol... Now this may have been my outlook on that specific name 10 years ago or when i was in high school. However I'm happy to say that somewhere in the last three years of my life one person changed that preconceived notion i had as a adolescent teenager/young man. That one woman is Named Alyssa and i can't even fathom to compare her name to rabies or madness i just simply can't (maybe madly in love like a lost rabid puppy dog)
It's pretty and feminine. I love this name and its association with the alyssum flower.
I love the name Alyssa so much. It's so pretty and professional and it's not a really common name where I'm from any girls out there named Alyssa should be grateful and happy to have such a wonderful name.
If I had a kid, this would be one of the names I would name my kid! IT'S JUST SO CUTE!
I get the mean girl/spoiled brat vibe, too. Sounds like a cheerleader who makes out with all her friends' boyfriends and then makes a speech about how she's saving herself for marriage. Best friends with Nicole until she finds this out and the have a physical fight which she records for social media, hoping to get it monetized. Spoiled, bitchy and hypocritical.
I used to dislike this name, because I often associated it with 'mean girls' and 'spoiled brats.' I actually quite like it now. I think it sounds pretty good. Plus, Aly is a good nickname.
I love this name! It’s very pretty, and Aly is a cute nickname.
I hate my name. Ever since I was a little kid and I’m only fourteen. My mum wanted to call me Chelsea but my father didn’t, so my father decided on Alyssa whilst my mum decided on Lissy. Now I’m stuck with my friends calling me Lissy pis*y and stupid things like that. My teachers never say it right and most of the time I have to answer to ‘Alisha’. Sure it may sound beautiful but honestly, no. If I could change it I would but then I think about what I would change it to, you realise that no matter what, you will always have a problem with your own name. Not to mention my surname is a mockery so it does not help in the slightest.
My name is Alyssa and I have to say, this page is the first time I've ever heard the complaint that the name is "overused." I was always the only one in my class, and often the only one in my school. In my entire K-12 career, I only met two other girls with my first name. I only ever see it online, not in the wild. As for my personal opinion, in case anyone is considering it and wants to hear from an adult who has it, I'm not personally a fan. It's pretty, but it's a modern name. As a kid, nobody knew how to spell it or pronounce it, I couldn't find it on anything personalized, and I was the only one I knew with it. As an adult, I get frustrated because it's very much a "kid" name. A five-year-old named Alyssa is adorable. But I'm in my 30's now and it just makes me sound immature and unprofessional. Given its rise in popularity in the late 90's, this is probably a self-resolving problem, though, so YMMV. Just my two cents.
More bubbly, energetic, and dramatic than the vanilla Alissa spelling, and it works better imo.
Alyssa; alyssum.
My name is Alyssa, and I believe it's a kinda cute name, although I'm pretty bummed that it means 'madness' and 'rabies'.
It's an okay name. A little bland and overused.
Okay so my name is Alyssa. I liked it when I was younger but I feel a little different right now, I feel like I'm a baby or something it's just so worn out! LOL.
I've always liked this name because of the flower.
Too bad "Lyssa" means "madness" and "rabies".
It's really cute!
Very common for my generation. Nonetheless, I love it a lot. It's definitely a top contender for me, it's beautiful. It sounds trendy but not too trendy. Idk, I just really like it.
I prefer the Alisa spelling. This spelling is a bit complicated for a young child to spell.
A cute nickname would be Lyssy.
My name is Alyssa and I hate it I'm 12 and it sounds babyish.
I think this name sounds pretty. It may have a little sass but besides that it's good. Looks cool with the Y. Nice meaning, too.
Very pretty! (Also love the banner!)
I dislike it.
Weirdo Alyssa Milano ruined this for us!
A little too popular, but it's still very pretty in my opinion. Allycat is a cute nickname.
This is now my favorite name. It looks pretty on paper, has a beautiful meaning, and it's wonderful. It's wonderful to say, fits many personalities, a wonderful name for a girl. If I had twin girls I'd name them Amanda and Alyssa. (Yeah I know, It Takes Two... it used to be one of my favorite movies). Anyways, it's a wonderful combination in my opinion and I'd totally use it.
I prefer Alice. This sounds a bit bland. Also, this friend's name, she goes by Allie (doesn't like Aly) which I like better.
I've changed my mind, I think this is a pretty name.
Sounds nice, but this name screams '90s to me.
Better than Alissa.
I think it's nice. Better than Melissa in my opinion.
I think Alyssa, as the name is mine, is a disgusting name. It's so chavvy.
I was born in 1966 and was named Alyssa after my mom saw the name on a dress from Alyssa Dresses.
When growing up, I never found anything personalized with my name and most people didn't know how to pronounce it. Now at 53 I am able to find things with my name on them, so I love buying them. I had a very common last name but it changed when I got married and I kept it after I was divorced. It's fun to see how people try to say it. So here it is Alyssa Aavang.
It’s a pretty name, so is the name Alice.
Sweet and feminine.
Two of the greatest people I know are named Alyssa. I think if I have a daughter, I will name her Alyssa. It's a fun, modern classic with some flair.
It's a very stylish name without being too over-the-top. It's like a modern classic!
I prefer Alisa.
My name is Alyssa and some of the many pronunciations I have heard of are Alease, Alecia, Alesha, Alesia, Alice, Alicia, Alisha, Alissa, Alyce, Alycia, Alys, Alysa, Alyse, Alysha, Alysia, Alyssia, Aleesha, Alise, Alishia, Alisia, Alisya, Allissa, Allycia, and Elicia. I personally prefer Alisa, but I still love Alyssa.
I think it is better and softer than Alicia, which I never liked much. Ally would also be a cute nickname.
At first I thought this name was boring, but now it's growing on me. I actually like it now. It was invented in 1963, it's not super classy but not modern either which I like. 7/10.
It's my name so I'm obviously biased to defend it while also hating it. But to everyone saying it's "popular", there's a reason for that. It wouldn't be popular if it was an awful name. I don't despise it, I think if you named someone this name after the Irish flower that cures madness/rabies (Alyssum) then that's fine. But I was named after Alyssa Milano and I still don't know how to feel about that. Oh well, you can't control your name.
It's too over used for me to use it, but I still like the name. I have a friend named Alyssa, who I usually call "Al", or sometimes "Ally/Allie (Al-lee).
My name is Alyssa Marrie. I'm named after two famous actresses; Alyssa Milano, and Holly Marie Combs. I love my name and I do NOT think it's boring, plain, or common. I don't like having my name mixed up with "Melissa", but sometimes I do like hearing the creative ways people can mess up my name at rodeos. If you are named Alyssa or want to name your daughter Alyssa, go ahead. There is nothing wrong with this name and there are so many ways that you can spell it to make it special or uncommon. My favorite nicknames are Alygator and Aly.
I find it extremely boring, but other than that it's a nice name. I really like the association with the alyssum flower, especially because I find the flower's history as a mental health treatment to be interesting. To be honest, I almost prefer Alyssum as a name.
I love this name! Ali makes a beautiful nickname! I can see this name on a 6-year old like my cousin, or a 30-year old!
I think this name is super cute and gorgeous!
My name is Alyssa and I have always loved it- I think it's very feminine. I'm 27 now, and have only known one other Alyssa in my life. From the comments I've read, I suppose it's become more popular over time. In my opinion, Alicia is the most common variant, along with Melissa. Throughout my life, teachers have had trouble pronouncing it, which has always been a little strange to me. At any rate, I'm happy with my name and find the Alyssum flowers very beautiful. My husband has told me that Alyssa is plural for the Alyssum genus, I haven't researched that to confirm.
It's pretty, but only slightly more unique than Alison/Ali, Alicia, etc. It's one of the Al- names for girls that was common in the '90s. That being said, I think Alyssa is one of the better trendy/common names of the '90s.
When my parents named me Alyssa 37 years ago, it was a very uncommon name. Growing up, I never knew anybody with my name until I saw Alyssa Milano on TV in the 80s. When I was in my late teens and early 20s in the mid/late 90s, suddenly everyone was naming their baby girls Alyssa. It was strange to have all these little girls with "my" name. I actually didn't like my name growing up, for some reason, but I appreciate it now, especially for its meaning. I still get compliments on my name.
I think Alyssa is a gorgeous choice! It's hard for me to see it on a middle-aged woman but I wouldn't let that stop you. There will be plenty of other young names on old people in 50 years. It's a form of Alice meaning noble, kind. A nice choice.
The name Alyssa is so not boring & plain and it's certainly not overused at the moment! (Look at the name charts and you'll see which names are the REAL overused names.) My area isn't full of Alyssa's running about. I for one have lost count over how many Chloe's, Amy's, and Sophie's I've come across. When I first heard the name Alyssa I was starstruck over how beautiful sounding this name is! I strongly believe Alyssa is an amazing, sophisticated, beautiful and special name and I love its connotations with the Greek language and the flower. (: This name definitely should be used a hell of a lot more! ;)
My name is Alyssa and it kind of depresses me when people say it's overused and boring. I like my name because there are a lot of different interpretations whether they are true or not. Some say the German meaning is noble and I love that, and it gives me hope that because maybe I was named Alyssa for a reason (other than that my parents liked it).
From the Greek word "daughter of messenger".
I like the name Alyssa, it's a very common name in the South. It's often paired with the middle name Brooke.
I have this name and I think it's okay. I mean, I don't hate it but I don't exactly identify with it either. This is probably because it's so common. I rather like nicknames for it such as Lys or Lyssa but no one ever uses them. I do find that though this name is popular, it wasn't the most popular back in '94 when I was born. And so I don't find many people my age that have the name. More kids in early high school and middle school have it, but since I don't really make friends with people that age, I don't have much problem.
In about 1970, my mom wrote in her diary that she wanted to name her daughter Alyssa. And on February 14 of 1980, I was born! I am probably one of the oldest ones after Alyssa Milano. I am 32 now, and have only met 1-2 other girls with this name in my life. It drives me nuts when people can't pronounce it, and I think it's usually due to being lazy. It is NOT pronounced ALEESA. But that is usually what foreign people say. I also get annoyed when people think it's short for Melissa, and see no need to shorten it to Lyssa or any of the other horrid nicknames some people want to use. I am very pleased with my name, and have gotten compliments on it my whole life.
I know tons of girls with this name, but despite the extreme popularity, I still find it appealing. It's a sweet, pretty name, and unlike Emily or Jennifer, it's original beauty hasn't been cheapened through overuse.
It's very pretty, but way too common. Plus, it's also annoyingly close to the word "asylum". Funny, considering it means "against madness".
Although this name is too popular, I still like it because my best friend in Kindergarten had this name (except spelled ALISSA)
This is great! I love it!
Believe it or not, it has actually been a fairly popular name to use in the Italian-American community... especially with families who had recently immigrated (likely wanting an American/English name to mesh in better/ or variant of an Italian title).
I know Alyssas, I have a cousin Alyssa. While I do think that it is beautiful-- it is a bit overused (not necessarily a bad thing), and the spelling is a tad off, for my taste... I also think, when you get down to the blueprints, that it lacks something.Regardless, if you are an Alyssa reading: Be proud of your name!
Despite my previous comment about it being overused (in my generation), I still think it's a pretty name.
It's a pretty name, but I know so many of them.
It's a nice name, and I would use it, but the meaning is hilarious. "Against rabies". XDD
It's fine to have your own opinions about a name but I don't think you should judge people who have the name and make them feel bad. My middle name is Alyssa and I've only met one other person with my name. I like it and that's really all that matters. If you don't like it, don't give that name to your firstborn.
When I first saw this name, I thought it was a really cool, pretty and original name; since then I've met a few dozen more Alyssas. I still like it, though sick of hearing it and mistaking it for similar-sounding names. I don't too much like it being a variant of Alicia, though that adds the flower meaning and limits how kre8ive parents could get based on Alyssa itself.
I've known so many girls with this name while growing up. It's up there with Ashley, Emily, and Tiffany as one of the most overused names of the 90s--at least where I'm from.
I do not like this name.1. I hate the way it sounds, it's so annoying. It sounds like a little kid trying to say "Melissa" (which I hate) even though it's actually pronounced like it. 2. It's way too common.3. It's a bit too modern.
This my best friend's name, and she does like it, but every time she introduces herself to someone and says, "I'm Alyssa," they always think she says "Melissa." Other than that, though, it's a very pretty name, and I like it.
I love the name Alyssa! I think it is very pretty and delicate, yet also a little popular now, but not as popular as, say, Sarah or Tori. A good nick-name would be Liss, Lissie, Ali, or Lissa. I like this spelling much better than Alysa with only one s, and other spellings. Overall, this name is so beautiful!
I find this name utterly bland and unimaginative. It's overused and overrated. I've read this was Ayn Rand's real name, and that certainly hasn't made me like the name more.
My name is Alyssa. And I've always liked it ok. It's not the BEST name, but I like it! I do get annoyed with people though, because almost EVERY TIME I tell somebody my name they ask, "Melissa?" And I have to say NO, Alyssa. But I've always thought it was a nice name.
I prefer Alyssa to the similar-sounding Alexa. It sounds a lot prettier and more feminine.
I don't have a huge thing for this name! It is way too common and plus I don't really like the sound of it. I mean, it would be a good name for a river or a stream or something. I don't care much for this name, and I definitely don't like it for a guy's name!
This is a nice name (almost mine), but I like the variant Alissa better. It's far less common than Alyssa.
Boring. Plain brown wrapper of a name.
Alyssa is a nice name, but overused.
This name is pretty, but it's a bit too popular for my taste.
I don't particularly like this name, but I don't know anyone who has it, so I think "overuse" is relative.
I think this name is ok. This is my sister's name and she never really complains about it. It's not that common where we live, except we knew a family whose two daughters are named Chelsea (my name) and Alyssa. I don't like that it could come from the alyssum flower, because Alyssum reminds me of asylum.
Pretty name, except about a million girls in my school have it. Gets old.
My name is Alyssa and people call me Alyssa, Aly, Lyssa, Alyss, and Lys. I think this name is beautiful. It is a meaning of the alyssum flower. It also means outgoing, a leader, and is somewhat gloatful. I love my name but I have 7 friends with the same name. They spell it many ways: Alyssa, Alissa, Alysa, Alisa, Aleesa, ect.
I have also heard Alyssum, which I think is much prettier.
A very pretty name for a girl. The nickname Lyssa is very cute and pretty too.
The only person I know with this name is 8 years old and she gets frustrated when people think her name is Melissa.
I like that this name comes from the flower Alyssum, but I would never use "Alyssa" for my own daughter. I think, personally, that it is overused.
It's a beautiful name and it's cool too.

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