Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Is a very pretty name when pronounced as uh may uh. I know that it is thought of as proper to be pronounced as uh my uh but I don't like it that way. This name should be pronounced as uh may uh and if you want the pronunciation to be uh my uh then spell it differently. Here are some alternate spellings for Amaya when pronounced as uh my uh.Amya
I really like this name, personally. It has a lot of spunk to it.
Amaya is a very beautiful name. I don't know how anyone could hate it. It's not overly common either.
Stunning name.
Dislike. This sounds made up.
I find this name interesting and pretty!
Good meaning.
Ignore the commenter below me. Amaya is a terrible name. It is like "A Maya".
I love this name.
Amaya means Night Rain in Japanese. I love this name, I think it's pretty.
Beautiful. I prefer this to Maya.
I think this name is really pretty but I like Maya a little better. My sister calls it “made-up” which I think is pretty rude. I think she says it because she’s only used to names like Abigail and Lillian and she hates names like Aaliyah/Alia, Amaya, Alina, Adina, etc. Amaya is really pretty.
I dislike Maya, because it feels inherently juvenile to me (like Josh). I don’t know why, but slapping an A in front of Maya to make Amaya solves everything. I love Amaya.
My name is Amaya! It is pronounced Uh-MY-Uh. People usually get it right, although sometimes some people say uh-MAY-uh. It's Japanese and means something about rain. My middle name is Leila, pronounced like Layla, and means something about a river. I'm pretty sure it's Hungarian. Believe it or not, I'm not Asian! LOLI love my name, I think it's beautiful and unique. I've met someone before who had my same name (first, middle, and last!) and she was also mixed and plays volleyball and basketball with me. Actually, I've been to 5 different schools and each time there's someone with at least the same first name.
I love the name Amaya. It's amazing how it has Japanese origin! :D.
I love this name! If you take off the A at the very beginning, and the A at the very end, it spells May. This would be a great name for someone who was born in the month of May.
This is very pretty. But it doesn't seem Japanese to me.
Amaya is a beautiful elegant name. I have seen the name Amayah and it said it means close to God.
Absolutely beautiful, wonderful meaning, I shall be using this name.
I love this name. Its meaning is also beautiful. And in response to the person who wrote the pronunciation, I pronounced it ah-mie-ah from the start.
I absolutely LOVE this name. I also love it's meaning, it's so lovely.
I think it's beautiful. Not only does it look and sound gorgeous, but I absolutely LOVE the meaning.
Wow, I think that Amaya is beautiful. It sounds splendid and makes me truly think of the night rain.
It's beautiful.

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