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I love this as a nickname for Angeline!
I think that this name is so nice on its own, and I’d use it on a girl in a heartbeat! Oh, and it’s also beautiful as a nickname for Angelina and Angela!
I know it is seen as a "nickname" but I think Angie is a very pretty name and I don't like the longer versions such as Angela, Angelica..etc. Yuck. But Angie on it's own is a very nice name! My sister is named Angie and she is so pretty and smart. Also Angie Baby and Angie are great songs that use the name.
Too childish as a legal name. Using it as a nickname would be better.
Cute as a nickname for Angelica!
Good as a nickname.
My parents named me Angie. Not Angela, not Angelina, just Angie. My name is a NICKNAME. I hate it. Please try harder for your children. Don't name them nicknames.
My mom's name is Angie and she absolutely HATES it!
Very cute name! :)
I wouldn't use it as a real name. Maybe as a nickname for Angela or Angelina.
My real name is Angelina but everyone call me Angie, it's so lovely for a nickname! Very sweet name for a girl.
A cute nickname, but for some reason I can't imagine this on an adult. (No offence.)
I grew up with the nickname Angie. My given name is Angela which is what I primarily go by now as an adult. I have always liked being called Angie, though there have been instances I get tired of Angela. (Something about when people run together and there's a "gel" sound instead of "ge-la".). I was never teased about my name as a kid. I never experienced people confusing my name with others in introductions. (Though occassionally I get "Andrea" now when I say "Angela".) I'm glad it remains a somewhat popular name, though not overused. It is a very good name to grow up with from childhood to adulthood.
I have always hated this nickname. I just don't like the sound of it. Angela sounds okay, but it's not one of my favorites by a long shot.
I love this name so munch. I love the song that the name comes from in many ways. I feel that the name has a nice meaning and works in all kinds of ways. I could see my child being named this and I would love to name her Angie.
My aunt's name is Evangeline Doris, but everyone calls her Angie. Personally, I don't know where the nickname came from, but I think it is a lovely name. When I think of this name, I think of natural beauty.
One word: ick.

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