Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Cool name!
I'm gonna have to pass... the pronunciations! I mean, I really don't want to offend, but it sounds a little... medieval.
The pronunciations. I can’t take the laughter!
I think it's a great name, and I'll name my kid this. But the kid's name is gonna be pronounced like AWD instead. I'm Irish BTW.
Don't like it. It sounds ugly and hard to pronounce, and it's unfortunately where we get the nauseatingly trendy Aidan from.
WHAT THE HELL kind of a name is this? Can you imagine your mother calling you home for dinner? EEEEEE! Sounds like a shriek for help. God, some of these Irish names are so damn stupid!
I think this is a short sharp funky name, despite how long it's been around. The downside is you might have to say how it's pronounced and spelled, which my sister has to suffer all the time.
I read that same 'like may' pronunciation, and I never got it either. I can't say I really like this name, I and a child would constantly have to tell people how to spell/pronounce it.
This is the perfect middle name. It has the perfect meaning, perfect origin, and it isn't unspellable or extraordinarily unpronounceable. And as an added bonus, it's aesthetically pleasing. Perfection.

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