Comments (Usage Only)

Not sure if it has been said.I have noticed Artemis is a SUPER common pet name. ESPECIALLY Cats.
Usually female. But I have seen one male cat called Artemis.
Though I personally think it's silly, we must accept languages and names evolve it happens.Also
My partner named our Cat Artemis. I think it is fitting since she is a princess and she thinks she is a master huntress haha.
Artemis has well-documented historical gender neutral usage.
Artemis can also be a boy's name, despite the goddess being female. My (male) cousin has Artemis as a middle name, and in the Artemis Fowl series the titular character is male.
The name Artemis was given to 167 girls and 35 boys in the US in 2018!
The name Artemis was given to 104 girls born in the US in 2015.
If you name a boy Artemis, would you name a girl after a GOD? Artemis was a Goddess not a god. For boys you could use Apollo, the twin brother of Artemis. This is better for girls and much better than Diana, which is overused and boring. There are masculine forms.
Artemida (Артемида) is the Russian form of Artemis.

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