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I think this name is bookish and nerdy but honestly I like it a lot. I'm a huge fan of names that sound more mature and classic, but this name is unique in sounding mature but also fitting a child (at least in my opinion).
I don’t like it. The rth makes it kind of hard to pronounce. Asher or Archer would be better alternatives.
My name's Arthur and I think it's a pretty awesome name (I'm pretty awesome)(I also agree with the people calling it nerdy)(I am a nerd).
I’ve always loved the name Arthur, its spelling and pronunciation are appealing and memorable to me among the names I consider, including Karl, Christian, Kilian, Oskar, Oliver, Markus, Julius, Albert, and others. I particularly enjoy names that complement the meanings and origins of surnames, as it adds character and pays homage to our heritage, and the names I would use compliments my paternal Germanic/Slavic heritage, but this is just how I see it, it isn’t mandatory and if you want to name your son Arthur just because you like it then absolutely go for it. This applies to all other names too, pick what resonates with you. :)
I really like this name. It’s a timeless classic that can suit a baby to a grandfather. I know a little baby Arthur and it suits him so much.
I like this name. It is very masculine.
When I think of this name, I think of a man with blonde hair, emerald eyes, and very thick eyebrows.
Super popular right now, and I understand why. It’s so cute for a kid, cool for a teenager, and professional for an adult. I also think Artie is a cute nickname, though it doesn’t really need a nickname. The meaning bear is adorable, and also really cool and masculine. Vintage gold!
I like this name! It sounds strong and handsome, even if it is starting to become a bit outdated. I don't see why people use it as a feminine name, it sounds way too masculine to be used like that.
I like it! Definitely not a name for girls.
A lovely, friendly sounding name.
Very old but nice name with cool spelling.
I think Arthur is a classy and dignified name that has a quirky coolness to it! It’s on my list for a boy. It’s not too pretentious sounding, is unique but familiar, and has an almost academic feel to it.
I like Arthur. It's one of those weird names that goes well for any age. I mean, I can perfectly imagine a ten year old boy named Arthur and an eighty year old grandfather named Arthur too. It is simple, classic, and not too common. Cool. A good choice.
I like this name actually, I think it has a charming, if not illustrious, history to it. The name Arthur can be suitable for all age groups which is a big bonus from my point of view. Anyway, I think you can never go wrong with the name, Arthur. :)
Dorky name.
A classic name. It ages well and will suit any personality (apart from negative ones).
Very handsome and sensible name.
So pleased to see that Arthur is #1 in Belgium. I'm happy he made #1 somewhere, as it is a timeless name.
Arthur is a very nice name.
Arthur is a very handsome and classic name for a boy! It ages very well.
Stop naming your girls Arthur! Why is it increasing for girls, sounds ridiculous on a girl!
Very masculine.
Very outdated.
I know thousands of Arthurs who are very great and they are able minded, including myself. I am the only man in Africa who generate electricity and cooking energy from all kinds of wastes to support livelihoods.
Eg. Hospitals, Hostels, Hotels, Schools etc.
Nerdy sounding name, but I guess there's nothing wrong with that.
Very nice, classic name, though unfortunately a bit outdated (not that that’s a huge problem). It sounds soft, but has substance. It makes me think of a nice, intelligent guy with glasses (the glasses part is probably from Arthur the Ardvaark). I don’t think I like it enough to use it, but it’s a nice name.
What a great thought provoking name Arthur is :) I have always thought it rather old fashioned and dated but I've grown to love this name due to the Arthur of mythology. Whether he was a real person or not dosn't bother me as there are plenty of real people in British and overall European history that have plenty of intrigue and mystery surrounding them which I love. I also think it sounds cute on a young boy and dashing and professional on a young man- 1000 times better than these modern meaningless names like Logan and Kaden /Jayden and Hunter.
It's a cool name, it reminds of a person who is caring and loyal. He can be serious at times but can act like a big responsible brother. It sounds like a cool name for a gentleman person.
Arthur is a lovely name. It has a classic feel to it and makes me think of the King from British Legend (And Monty Python and the Holy Grail) as well as Arthur from the 70's comedy On The Buses, Sgt Arthur Wilson from Dads Army and the Cartoon Aardvark. It really needs a comeback as it's a nice classic boys name.
I've never really liked this name for some reason. It just sounds choppy and rough to me. Plus, it reminds me of the word "arthritis".
I rather like this name, even though it's associated with the cartoon character.
I've recently become very interested in Arthurian legend/mythology, and I'm really drawn to this name. If I one day have a son, I will name him Arthur. Though the mythology is rather dark and Arthur does have his flaws in certain versions, I love the idea of the round table which equalizes all who sit around it. Equality for everyone is still such a significant struggle, so I would want my children to understand and promote the ideas of equality and justice. So, yeah, this name is awesome!
I love it; it's strong and a bit nerdy, and I have a soft spot for names that feel nerdy. I also love the nickname Artie.
I never knew any Arthurs, but the name leaves a youthful yet classic air when you say it. When I was young the only Arthurs I knew were the legendary King Arthur and the character Arthur Read. I had a less "must be modern" upbringing, though, so I think teasing from the show wouldn't be a problem. King Arthur would not, at all, be a bad namesake, as it gives the name a noble veneer.The name sounds unique for a child, interesting for a teenager, and classy for an adult. On average, a very usable name.
What a fantastic, strong, masculine name! The name Arthur is DEAD CLASSY. :D This name ROCKS! :DD ♥.
I think 'Thor' could work as a nickname for Arthur. It would be pretty cool.
My 3 year old is named Arthur and we have yet to meet another little boy who shares his name (we live in the US). I think he likes that it's uncommon for kids his age, and I do as well. It's a name that a lot of people forget about: a very underused classic. I'm a big fan of old fashioned names, and Arthur fits the bill for me- it's vintage, but doesn't sound strange on a little boy, and hasn't gone 'trendy' like some other lovely old fashioned names (Lillian, Evelyn, Charlotte, etc.) No one has ever teased my son about the TV show. I don't think many kids watch it anymore, with the exception of my son, who absolutely loves it! ;)
Because of King Arthur, of whom I greatly admire, this name has grown on me extremely! I used to be able to think of nothing but the children's TV show, Arthur, which I am fond of, but would never name a child after this. But King Arthur pushed away that memory. However, now I consider this name very strong and manly, and I like it.
This name is adorable. It's cute on a little boy, and mature on a man. Hopefully it'll become more popular soon!
This name has grown on me. I think it could become very popular in a few years.
I automatically associate this name with Marc Brown's Arthur books and the TV show based off of them. A wonderful association, I'd say.
It's elegant, has a majestic sound, and seems like it could fit both a king and a normal young boy. It's a shame the popularity for this name is going down. It's so lovely.
"Arthur" is my given name, but I prefer to be known as "Artie" and have been since my birth.
I adore how the name Arthur looks on paper. Pronunciation? Not so much. All elegance, enchantment, stateliness and sophistication is simply sucked away when said, which is a great pity. The spelling is very dignified, though.
I do prefer the Italian Arturo to Arthur, of the same meaning.
I really like this name, it too is one of my favourite boys' names. I also like the affiliation with the King Arthur legend, and all of the associated stories. :-)
This is one of my favorite boys' names. It's very handsome and mature-sounding. I also love the Arthur books and the TV show based on them.
Omg, this name is awesome. I might use it as a middle name however due to the association with the aardvark.
I love the name Arthur but would never name my child this because it is too common. Since this name belongs to King Arthur and heroes from countless stories I always picture somebody that is brave, strong, and heroic.
Personally, I like my name, Arturo, which is the Spanish form of Arthur. I had an Uncle that used to call me Artur, and I kind of like that, he used to say that my personality was very much like that personage, kind of a noble fool. That last bit I did not like, but since I kind of understand the compliment. In my mind, I'm kind of shy about my name, I do get a bit embarrassed by the way people react to my name. By the way, I kind of fancy swords.
This was my grandfather's name, and brings to mind many other Arthurs as well, including King Arthur and Arthur Weasley from Harry Potter. I used to be fairly neutral towards it and mostly considered it an 'old' name, but it's grown on me.
I like the sound of the name, and the meaning, but I don't think I'd ever name my kid that because it's too well known from King Arthur, and from the children's TV show character.
I like the name, but not the nickname Art. But the name Arthur sounds very nice for a boy.
This name is growing on me. I like the masculine appeal, but not the nickname Art.
This name makes me think of King Arthur and the name appears strong, heroic and historical, also fantasy like as no one knows whether he existed. It's still unique and a great name apart from when people say 'Ar-fa'!
A popular name in France, maybe, but as an English name it currently makes me think of old grandads with or without walking sticks. I wouldn't consider it for a child of mine.
Dismissing a name like Arthur because it currently bears associations with an older generation is ridiculous to say the least. That "old man with a walking stick" was a child and a young man once. A few years ago Alfie was considered stodgy and old-fashioned in the UK. Look how popular it is now! Just goes to prove that it really is all a matter of perception and people's perceptions are easily transmuted.
Being Arthur myself, I have experienced only positive reactions from people. It has a certain greatness and nobility about it perhaps because of King Arthur. Since my other name is Kgosi, meaning 'king or chief' in Tswana, my friends often refer to me as King Arthur!
Arthur the Aardvark has forever ruined my image of the name. I only respect it because it's my father's middle name. Otherwise I would openly mock the name.
I love the name Arthur. It is cool he has a strong and brave namesharer, King Arthur. When I get a boy, perhaps I will call him Arthur.
Arthur's a strong character name. There are pet forms like 'Art', and 'Artie,' (sounds better for Artemis). Always thought it was cool.

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