Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Boring, way too common, and sounds hideous.
Just meh. Eve is far better but the religious connotation ruins it so people are stuck with this filler.
I loved the name 15-20 years ago. It’s way overused and dated at this point.
The popularity for this name has exploded, ever since about 2007. Nonetheless, I feel like it sounds very light, fun, and spunky!
Pretty basic.
Ava a feminine timeless classic name, suitable for all ages. Starts with an a and also ends with an a. It has that beautiful v sound. It's old Hollywood. Vintage. Modern. I think it's cute sweet simple popular but for a reason. Adorable with many middle name combos too... It's not a knock your socks off name you have never heard before but also not a weird trendy trashy name either. It's a balanced beauty IMO has an elegance but also open to all kinds of styles of ppl. I love Ava 💓.
Kind of boring, it feels like it's missing something, but I kinda do like it. It's better than Avery.
Boring, dull, feels like the misspelled version of Eva. Hard to pronounce and looks weird all over.
I don’t understand why people make a concerted effort to come and completely trash a name. If you don’t like it that’s fine but at least state why and don’t be so hateful. I really think this name is pretty. I had a cat named Ava, and it sounds vintage and elegant.
Very common, but it’s a cute name.
I think that this is a beautiful name. Sadly, I don't believe any of the thousands upon thousands of Avas of recent times will ever do the name justice. Not the American ones anyway. Thus, it is a shame that the name has been diluted to such an extreme when it doesn't even suit most people that bear it.
It's a decent name, gives off cool girl vibe, but Ava Max is my least favorite popstar right now (her Barbie song literally made my body recoil in a mix of cringe and offense) so this name is permanently etched in my brain as the tryhard white girl who's a "tiktok star". It's a shame because I love Eve names - especially Evie (I know it sounds very close to the pokemon, but that's why I like it)
Nice name... but it is getting ridiculously over-used to say the least, why not... Leah or something that is common but not TOO common, maybe? But it's a 9.2/10 name to meNo hate, just suggesting :)
This is my dog's name (came with her, I didn’t choose it.) It’s fine I guess? Like other people have said, it’s very plain. It doesn’t fit her at all. It’s not offensive but also not great.
This name does not seem modern to me. Despite its popularity; it seems quite ancient to my ears. Alas, I've only met one Ava in my life and I feel that she is a beautiful reflection of this name. She has a western Asian mother and a German/Italian father and they bestowed this name upon her. It is reasonable being that this name is used in both of their cultures. She is a very kind girl, she is ethereal. She comes from a generational wealthy family (old money) and partakes in all that you'd presume. Equestrian, fencer, ballerina, book collecting, etc.
Slightly boring but ok 👍🏽.
I think Ava is a beautiful name, it’s short, attractive and simple. It may be overused but it’s still a great, strong name for a girl. It’s prettier than names like Eva, Evie or Eve which are very similar too. Ava is one of my favorite names. It’s the second most popular name in my country and it has been in the top 3 or 4 for a few years now. The name has been popular for a long time now, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it. If you want to name your baby this, do it!
Cute and simple. A little boring though.
Simple easy classic!
Very pretty! I've only ever met 2 Ava's and they're nice girls! So I love the name, and how cute is little Ava Marie Rose?!
Very simple. Not bad!
It’s so common but I love the sound of it.
Just boring.
I absolutely love this name. Such a sweet name for a baby girl.
Pretty, although I prefer Eva.
The most extremely basic and boring name.
Out of the names Eva, Ada, or Ana, Ava is the most pretentious and stuck up sounding. It’s very popular and boring too. It’s MY opinion, get mad if you want to.
My name is Ava, I like it but it is very overused. I wish my name was Avalon, that is what my dad wanted to name me... I wish they chose that one!
Really, really common, yet still as beautiful as always. I’ve met, like, what? 5 or so Avas before. Wow….
It might be common in other countries like the US, but not too common in my country. Although Ava sounds childish in my opinion, I think this is a lovely name. It doesn't need any nickname, because already short.
I think this name is so overused it’s pretty much lost any of its charm. Ava just feels so, “Meh.”. It’s kinda like Emma to me. Cute, but really? That’s the best you could do? Eva and Aveline are so much prettier.
It's gorgeous but really common. I think it's more unique as a middle name because of its popularity.
I think Ava is a nice name. I'd be lying if I said I didn't prefer Eva, but I still think Ava is pretty. It's short, sweet and simple. Obviously, I don't think it would need a nickname (as it's only three letters), but I can't help but think that Aves would make a really cute one.
I prefer it as a middle name because of its popularity.
Pretty, just VERY overused. I like the combo Ava Elizabeth.
Sorry but I hate it. Sounds ugly and way too popular nowadays. Also I don’t like Eva either or Ayva. Sorry peeps!
Hi my name is Ava and I love this name because it means a lot to me and I don’t care what whoever thinks of it. Others should feel this way because many are saying mean things of other's names and I feel like it is very sad and kinda mean to be honest. I feel bad for whoever sees mean things on their own name on the internet. I just wanted to show and say that to whoever sees this, love your name and who you are and don’t care about who thinks about you because that might let you down and everyone shouldn’t be treated that way but they are. We should love and support others and their actions and things of their liking because you never know what many others in the world are going through in life. I am not saying this in a bad way, I am just suggesting that everyone should treat others how you want to be treated like the golden rule says :)
I think it is quite beautiful! I have a math friend online, her name is Ava, pronounced “Ah—vuh”. I like both pronunciations, “Ah—vuh” and “Ay—vuh”. I’ve met Avas with different pronunciations, so I don’t really care which one to use. :)
I much prefer the pronunciation Ah-va, Ay-va sounds weird, uglier.
I'm not a fan of this one. I also don't like Eva.
Such a short, sweet name with a powerful punch. It sounds so elegant. It’s definitely my favorite of the popular names. Plus it means life!
Beautiful name! Although it is super common, it will always be gorgeous. I love it!
I know someone named Ava, her name brings to mind good times and happy memories. She is one of the strongest, kindest, and most caring people I know and any girl would be lucky to have her name. Beautiful and strong and yet complex.
I think this is a cute name however it’s very common. If you like the name maybe you could use the name Avalyn instead.
Common, but other than that, it’s fine.
Very pretty and classy name.
VERY COMMON, but it is still pretty.
It feels boring. Similar looking Ada or Eva looks a lot better, more elegant. This looks boring, same as Ana. Nothing interesting. Also too common, I don't see much appeal about this name.
Pretty, but its overuse kind of ruins it.
Too short for my liking.
I LOVE THIS NAME! I have a 7 year old daughter who I named Ayvuh. I love her name! She has grown to love it but. I like the way I spell it way better then other people! MY FAVORITE NAME EVER!
I think it's cute and all but I am just not a fan of really popular names so that takes the cuteness out of it, in my opinion.
Simple and elegant.
Quite overused but pretty.
Meh. It could be worse.
Usually popularity does affect my personal opinion of a name somewhat. Just something I can't help much. But not for this name at all. It's been popular for good reason. My mind keeps getting stuck on the beautiful simplicity of Ava, and every time I'm reminded of it, I want to stop, slow down, and just think it for a moment, repeat it in my head. Ava. Isn't that just the loveliest sound? It's short and sweet, even palindromic, and yet it is so grandly gorgeous.
The most gorgeous name ever!
Not gonna lie, every time I hear this name I get warm fuzzy feelins in my britches.
My grandmother's name was Ava Sinclair. She had the life and quiet strength of a river: Seemingly peaceful on the surface, but an unrelenting and powerful current beneath that will sweep away those who trifle her, yet giving life to those who respect her grace. Perhaps I'm biased, but the name Ava gives me hope, warmth, and strength. It's classy, timeless, and respectable, in my opinion. I really love the name Ava.
Ava is the bestest, prettiest name ever and cannot be overused enough.
This name is a bit too common for my liking. It's not bad, but In my opinion it’s gotten extremely overused. Why not go with something different like Aviana, or Aveline?
This is what my name was gonna be but it turned out as Aliea or Aaliyah you can say. I think it is beautiful!
It’s pretty.
An absolutely beautiful, strong, elegant name with a great meaning. Easy to recognize, and pronounce. You can’t go wrong with this perfect name!
We just chose this name for our baby girl. I think it’s beautiful on a baby, and will age well throughout life. It may be simple, boring, and overused to others. But I’d much rather give my baby a name with history and background than all of these crazy made up names, or names with bad meanings I see these days.
Love my little Ava girl!
My name is the best name and I know it!
This name is short and cute and I love it! It might be common but it's still good.
Plain. Boring. Overdone.
So over this name!
Basic, and overused.
I loved this name 5-10 years ago until it became way too overdone. Every other birth announcement here over the last several years has been Ava, Ellie, or Ella. So over it.
SO overused. I liked this name a few years ago, but no longer a fan!
A favorite of mine! Beautiful.
A blessing of a name. The owner is just aloof enough, intelligent, beautiful, and smug in knowing she has the best name ever. Glamorous and slim, Ava is a groovy girl, possessed by a holy name. In my opinion, it is not used enough! I wish the world was full of them. Ava's of the world, unite and take over!
To be honest, I don’t really like this name. Don’t get me wrong, it’s cute and whatever. But for me personally this name is extremely basic/generic (at least now) not to mention EXTREMELY common. Name like this usually go by Ava Rose, Ava Marie, etc. It’s just weird now.
Ava is a short, simple, and sweet name :). I wouldn’t recommend using it though since it’s so overused.
I love the name, maybe because it's my name but I think it's so nice and pretty, perfect fit for blue eyed blondes like me!
This is a very nice name, but is getting too common. If you are considering the name Ava for your child, I would recommend going with something else. Try going with Eve, Eva, Evie, Evalyn, Evelyn, Evaline, Eveline, Evelynn, Evalynn, Eveleen, Evelina, Aveline, or Avelina. Be aware that, though not as common as Ava is, the names Eve, Eva, and Evelyn are still fairly common. :)
Meh. I think it’s way too overrated.
This is my daughter's name so clearly I love it! Simple and beautiful.
This is cute. I think it's very common. I also have a cousin named Ava.
I personally really hate my own name, Ava, because I feel it's too plain and not unique at all. Also when someone called the name 5 people in 1 group look up.
I think it’s adorable.
Becoming wayyy too common.
Sorry but this name makes me think of a rude, stuck-up girl.
It’s a really sweet sounding name with good meaning, and would be easy for a child to pronounce. Unfortunately, it’s been overused and has lost its charm, so to speak. Every time I hear the name Ava in a group of people, four people look up. It’s frustrating!
My daughter is named Ava Alexis (Alexis after her late grandmother). When we picked this name we seriously had no idea how popular it was. I find it to be a lovely name. It's short, sweet and to the point. 3 letters is all my kid had to learn. Her middle name and last make up for a crazy first name.
This is my crush's name and I think it is cute.
Ava is a simple name, great for someone with a triangular shaped body.
Ava is an awesome name! I love the sounding of it and it's beautiful. But way too popular. I have 2 Avas in my class. And it gets confusing.
I really liked this name around 1999-2002, but it is far too popular now. Of course I first heard of this name when Reese Witherspoon used it in 1999. I liked the meaning, sound, look of this name (and how cool it was because it is a palindrome). I used to like the names Jocelyn Ava and Scarlett Ava. I think Ava is still pretty cool and unexpected as a middle name. But darrrrn, it got way too popular!
It's not my favourite but it's sweet and short. It's good enough, if not a bit popular.
It's pleasant sounding but a bit short. It would be good for a religious child or cute on a simple girl.
I had a previous comment a lil while back (that I anonymized) in which I liked it. Now I’m kind of changing... what is so special about it? It’s a little bland in my opinion although it doesn’t sound bad. I just think there could be more names to use. Also, expect the Ava D and Ava Z thing.
A YouTuber named Ava forever ruined this name for me. Even though singer Ava Max fixed it. Right now I don't like this name but don't hate it either.
I love it!
Hate it. Ava is too short and is really bland imo. I don't understand why it's so popular...
A nice name. I'd prefer to use it as a middle name, though, more specifically as a middle name for Hilda.
This name is nice but overused. The pronunciation Ay-vah is ugly as hell and American sounding, Av-vah is much nicer.
All the Ava’s I’ve ever known are mean and rude. But Ava is a beautiful name. It’s REALLY overused. But I love the name so nothing to complain about.
Every Ava I have met has been very rude. It is a nice name though.
I can’t picture a 60-year-old lady with the name Ava. It sounds so modern that it would be pictured very well on a little girl. Actually, Ava is an elegant name, who cares how old you are with the name Ava? It goes well with Sophia, Olivia, and especially Eva! It’s okay if it’s so popular right now! It’s not so common before because it’s so modern. I love this name for a girl!
I have this name and when I was younger my mom called me her bird. When I was older we looked up the meaning of my name and it was bird. That is really weird because my favorite animal is a type of bird.
Ava is a stunning classic. Doesn't matter how often I hear it, it rings beautiful to my ears! In my opinion the name Ava bears simple straight forward class and beautiful strength.
Ava is a wonderful name. It is getting very popular though, my name is Avamar and I love it.
If you love Ava but are put off by its current extreme popularity, perhaps Ada would do as an alternative. It doesn't mean the same thing (Ada means "noble"), but it both looks and sounds quite similar.
This name is super popular right now, but I like it. I prefer the Ah-va pronunciation, however (rhymes with lava). It sounds very elegant and mysterious.
It's pretty... pretty overused. It sucks when a name takes off and it loses its spark. A once pretty name is just bland now.
Such a beautiful, short and sweet name. I love it on its own, or as a nickname for Octavia.
I hate the name Ava. It's too short, I don't like short names, and it's really boring and way too overused. It's also a fairly new name so it isn't classic or timeless.
I think Ava is a simple yet beautiful name! Totally something to consider for my daughter.
A dull and boring name. I'm not a big fan of short names, and it's like Eva and I don't like Eva, so... Sorry, I don't understand all the hype.
I don't like Ava because the A at the end sounds harsh. And you couldn't call her anything for short. Ava is short, stubborn and harsh.
I don't find this name very pretty. It's is very harsh sounding and plain. I prefer the softer sounding Eva or the longer Aveline instead.
It's weird how Ava is an old name but I first heard it only 4 years ago! It is a pretty girl name but super common. It seems like every girl born is called Ava now.
Yeah, Ava is too common now, but I like it. Short and pretty. Makes a good first and middle name.
I named my daughter Ava when she was born in 2011. I absolutely love it, and so far not real common in our location. Her name is Ava Theresa.
I really don't get why this name is so popular now. It just doesn't sound too pleasing to the ear, it's almost hostile sounding in my opinion. Avery sounds much prettier.
To be honest I don't think this name is very pretty, though I prefer it over "Avery" for females. Something about it just doesn't sound pleasing to my ears. It's also becoming common as dirt, which to me can make a name lose a lot of originality and can make it feel boring. I would suggest Aveline, instead.
I love this name! Ava is my name and Eva seems way too dull to me... so ha, Ava is the best name there is!
I absolutely love Ava. It's one of those names I don't mind being popular, but I wouldn't use it until the popularity dies down.
Not sure why this is so popular. I don't mind it, but Eve seems like a better name to me. Also, it's less confusing to pronounce than Ava (ay-va or ah-va?) or Eva (ev-a, ee-va, or ay-va?). But you've got to admit Ava looks pretty.
This name sounds horrible, I much prefer the name Eva! Eva's beautiful and trendy then Ava sounds disgusting, ugly and dull.
I find this name to be extremely boring. I don't get why it's so overused.
Ava is a gorgeous name for any girl to have. I had a love hate relationship with this name but I personally feel that one of my daughters should have this name. I know two versions of this name that sound good without it being simple and plain Ava- Avianna and Avaliese. Personally I'm more in love with Avaliese. But a lot of people don't like it because it's made up... oh well their loss. But even by itself Ava is a great name. I think a good combination of it is either Ava Madison or Ava Elizabeth. Both really cool and classic together but don't give up on the name Ava just because it's popular!
I love Ava, but it is way too common. I have a friend with this name, who loves it, but is irritated at its popularity. So classic and feminine!
My name is Ava and I absolutely LOVE it. I love the fact that it's a palindrome. It used too be so unique, and I was always the only Ava in the school. However, THIS NAME IS GETTING WAY TOO POPULAR. I feel like the world is being taken over by an army of 7 year old Ava's. Every time I walk through a grocery store or a mall my ears are assaulted by the bittersweet sound of, "Avaaaaaaaa". It is getting a little repetitive. Don't get me wrong, if you want to name your kid Ava, It's a great name. However, it is no longer super unique. I would recommend choosing another name until at least a few decades have gone by.
I like Ava and how it means life. It's a nice form of the name biblical name Eve. No nicknames, and will age beautifully!
I don't get why this has become a popular baby girl's name these days. I personally don't care for it.
I can't really say I like this name. I find it a bit old. But it is also a little refreshing to hear! I hear it a lot.
This is my six year old daughters name. Unfortunately we had no idea it was so common when we chose it, we just picked it from a baby name book because we liked it! I still love the name but do cringe every time I meet another Ava (which is very often), she is though, the only one in her school with this name, but I'm sure that will change soon enough!
This is a nice enough name, but little girls with this name are everywhere - I feel like every time I go to the store, some mother is calling, "Ava, put that back! We're not buying that today!" or "Time to go, Ava!" I can see why fans of the name like it, but it's pretty overused at this point.
I can't believe this trendy, tacky, trashy name is so popular. The English "AY-və" pronunciation most people are using is so ugly sounding and lacking in depth any real beauty. The Iranian and German (AH-vah) pronunciation not many people use is the REAL beauty in my opinion; it sounds sweet and sophisticated and has a nice meaning.
You know what, the name Ava pronounced the English way (AY-və) has actually grown on me! I guess it was the popularity that put me off from liking this name. Anyway, I take it back saying this name was tacky and trashy. I really adore this name now. It's so cute and pretty! :D.
This name is nice, but I had no idea it was so popular. I have never met an Ava.
When I was born, Ava didn't even rank in the top 100, but is now the fifth most common name. I know four other Ava's.
It says that this is one of the top most common girl names in the world, but I live in the US and have literally never met one single Ava.
Personally I think the name is sweet, and sounds pretty. But also too short.
Cheers. :)
I feel sorry for those little girls named Ava. I wonder why people are choosing these trendy names for kids nowadays. Very boring.
I've never liked this name. I don't think it sounds nice at all, only nasally. I don't really get it's popularity.
I don't know why so many here dislike this name. To my ears it sounds lovely, soft and strong at the same time, great for a little girl as well as an adult. I love this name really, it's one of my favourite Victorian names. I live in the UK and I don't know anyone called Ava in our area, no little children and no elderly women. So it might be used a lot in the USA but not in Europe. By the way.. people on here who don't like it.. it is an offense to say "people who use this name have no taste". Live and let live :)
I was surprised when I saw this name in the top 5. It became popular so quickly out of nowhere. It's refreshing to see Ava up there next to the stale Emily and Isabelle. I suspect it has to do with babies of celebrities called Ava. Also, young adults seem to be attracted to names that were uncommon in their own generation and their parents' generation.I met a girl a little younger than me named Ava over 10 years ago (I'm in my 20's now). For only 3 letters, I thought it was a stunning name. People here are just complaining about it because their opinions are warped by the knowledge that it became popular.For people who say "it can't be that popular because I've never met an Ava," bare in mind that it JUST became popular. Most of the Ava's in the US, at least, are under the age of 5. Like, seriously, how many 5 years olds do you know? Don't worry. You will be meeting loads of Ava's 20 years from now. And unlike Elizabeth and Sarah, most Ava's will be in the same age group.Remember, this name has only been popular for a few years. How long have the names Mary and Jennifer been popular?
This name is overused for no reason. There are like 8 Ava's in my school. This name is ugly and tacky. In fact, it doesn't sound like a name. It sounds like something to call a technology device, like how an anonymous user said, a radio. It is way worse than Nevaeh. If you name your child this, you have no taste at all. I'd rather call my child "Gay-va" instead of "Ava". No offence to anyone, this is just my opinion.
If we're talking about the name Ava pronounced "AY-va" then I think this name is gorgeous! I like how it's short and pretty, and it's also very cute. I know a little girl named Ava, and I think it not only suits her age group, but it also suits adults, teens, and kids. This name also sounds professional. I like the name Ava very much.
I've never met anyone with this name, weird to think its so popular! Its nice and short, very pretty name, I think.
I mean, I know this name has a history to it, but every time I hear or see it, I automatically think of babies, because it's been so commonly used in the past few years. I can only picture a baby, toddler, or old woman named Ava. Personally, I think it's going to sound very weird on a teenager or middle aged woman. The sound of it is ok, but I don't think I'll ever understand why it's so dang popular. To me, it's the stereotypical 2010's baby name.
It's a palindrome. I personally like Eva better, though.
It's an okay name but I do not really like it. It's way too common and everyone I knew with the name I hated and was mean and other stuff.
I don't care how popular it is, I think it's gorgeous. It sparkles, but not in a cheesy, Neveah way. It's a keeper.
I am a teacher and have taught a LOT of Ava's. It is probably the most common girls' name in my school. So if you think you are being original naming your daughter Ava, not so. But if you love it, go ahead.
I agree with those who said that this name sounds "generic". Personally I think that Ava is a gorgeous name. It's short and sweet, plus I'm getting a bit of a glamorous vibe from it. Popularity certainly didn't spoil this name for me (I still wouldn't USE it though). I'm kinda bothered by the disproportionate amount of celebrities naming their children this. I could name more celebrity babies named Ava than the top 5 names together. But whatever. Still, I'd rather meet ten more Avas than one Addison, Emma, Isabella or Mia.
For all of Ava's supposed popularity, I have never met a single person with this name, adult or child. I quite like it: it's short, pretty easy to pronounce, and it's a palindrome. However, I do prefer the similar-sounding Aveline (AV-uh-leen) as a name I would consider using.
"Ava" sounds horribly senile and geriatric-- among being unprofessional and childish. It truly is beyond my mind as to the exact reason why the name has conquered so many numbers. It is not pleasing through eye nor through ear. The hard "A" (as in 'ape') followed by "-va" is gutwrenching. Perhaps it would be less of a nightmare were it pronounced "Ah-Vah" ('a' as in 'father'). though it would remain voteless from me, even if it shifted.Do your children a favor: Give her a name with individuality! A name that will aid in her professional career, a name that will produce Wows and Awes, a name that she will thank you for.
I think this is an awesome name. I absolutely love it.
It's everywhere. There are little girls named Ava all over the place. It's starting to get old. And anyway, I don't particularly like the sound. Names ending with -va (with the exception of Ziva) don't really appeal to me.
Too minimalist. I honestly can't see why this name is so incredibly popular.
This name annoys me to the high heavens. There's nothing terribly wrong with the name itself, but the fact that it's so overused today is disgusting. I can't even fathom WHY it's so popular! The name is forever ruined for me, after a mother was talking to mine about how she named her daughter Ava because it's "So unique, and no one else would think use it." I hate the kind of people who only use a name to showcase their own "creativity."
I like this name for many reasons. 1) it sounds soothing and pleasant 2) it's not too common but so what if it is, it doesn't get undesirable. 3) It's much better than "Eva". 4) In English speaking countries it's considered unique and pretty. 5) It's nice and short, short yet pretty cool.
The pronunciation 'ay - va' is exactly the same pronunciation of a fruit in Turkish except with a different spelling. So therefore I cannot hear this name without thinking of a fruit.
Such a nice name, such a shame it's getting so common. I really wanted to name my child this or have it for a middle name but it's getting popular. Although it shouldn't matter because people can name their child whatever they want, and I don't blame them with this name. :)
If it was top 5 in 2008, it's gonna be top 3 or 4 when the 2009 names are up. I wouldn't say I like this name but it's not one of my favs.
I'm so tired of seeing and hearing this name everywhere. It was considered geriatric and musty not too long ago, like the other old lady names that are now currently so hot (e.g., Sophia, Isabella, Olivia, Lillian), but since some celebrities used it, suddenly everyone else wants to use it too. Ava Rose and Ava Grace are two combos I'm particularly tired of hearing and seeing. I did find it amusing when I saw a local birth announcement awhile ago for an Ava Maniya. Yes, everyone does seem to have Ava mania lately!
I think this name is very relaxing/calming. It is a very nice name to give to a child.
It's simple and quite nice really. :)
This name is on popularity charts everywhere I look, and yet, I have yet to hear about, or meet someone with this name.
This name's okay. I don't particularly care for it, especially since it's "popular". It's just too short.
I really like this name and find it quite a shame it's so popular. I hope it's not the next Madison or something.
I personally think it sounds pretty. But is it becoming the new "Amy"? I keep seeing it on popularity charts everywhere, but I don't think I've really met anyone with this name yet.
I'm sorry, but I really don't know why this name is so popular. To me it sounds sort of flat and dull. I only really like it when it's used in a combo - like Ava-Rose, Ava-May, Ava-Grace or Ava-Louise.
Despite this name's apparent popularity, I've only met one kid named this (and even then, it's possible her name really could have been Eva pronounced somewhat differently). It's really quite a pretty name, quite a nice one to use. I don't like names that are getting very popular, however, so I wouldn't name my kid this but perhaps a character in a story.
I don't care for this spelling. I prefer Eva. And we all know this got popular because many celebrities have used it on their daughters.
Ugh. What's the big fuss over this name? It's not beautiful at all. And honestly, I think it sounds really masculine. AND it's getting REALLY popular; it's in the top 5! Not cool.
I love very short names like Ava, and it's a palindrome, too, which is great. Too bad it's gotten far too popular lately.
I personally love the name Ava Maria. It reminds me of Ave Maria.
I absolutely love this name- according to a book of names I have, it comes the Latin word for bird. I can really imagine it for a dark-haired, free-spirited teenage girl with a lot of independence. Until I'd read the comments left on here, I didn't realise it was so popular- I don't know anyone called Ava. If I had a daughter, I would definitely call her this- though that would be at least 15 years away, by which point it would be less common.
One of the most soothing, delicate names I've ever heard. Parents beware: your daughters will be known only as Ava G. or Ava M., so as to distinguish them from the 7 other Avas in their class. This name is the next Emily or Sarah, unfortunately. It's still gorgeous though.
Ava is a lovely name, I like it much better than Eva. And some people here seem to forget that it's not only the name of our 'first mother', but Ava is also the name of a saint.
I'll never understand why people name their children after the people who lost Paradise for the rest of us.
This kind of narrowmindedness annoys me to hell. Believe it or not, but there are people who don't believe a word the bible says and just like this name.
I think it is prettier when spelled Eva.
I don't know anyone named Ava or Eva or any version of this name but I'm only in 10th grade. This is one of my favorite names so I really hope it doesn't get overused in the next ten years.
My name is Ava and I love it. It's so unique. I was named after the famous actress Ava Gardner. I was bummed when I heard that it's getting more and more common. Well, I can't blame a parent for loving the name. : )
It's popular now, but it's still a very beautiful name and it stands the test of time.
This name is kinda weird but now everyone is naming their kids Ava. At least it's not worse than the name Aidan.
The most common combo for this name seems to be 'Ava Elizabeth'. While this is a nice set, it's funny to see how people think alike :). This name is, to me, very nice and different. Better than Eve or Eva, in my opinion.
Very beautiful, elegant name. I have also seen Avalee.
This is a beautiful name for a girl but it's become far too common and overused in my opinion. And it used to be downright obscure less than ten years ago!
Ava is simply ugly and overused.
SOOOO pretty, but it's getting too popular now so I couldn't name my daughter that. Beautiful name though. =)
I think Ava is a really nice name. It can also be Latin or Greek for 'airy' or 'like a bird.'
This is a very pretty name, and similar to mine, I would never, ever, name a child or a character a name like that! It is just too common nowadays to use happily and without regret.
This is a really nice name. It is rising in popularity very fast. Someone I know decided to name her daughter Avalon, but calls her Ava since the name has grown so popular. That way if it does get too popular they can go back to using Avalon.
This is my little sister's name, and it suits her perfectly. I just wish it wasn't getting so popular! I don't want her to be one of those poor kids where someone calls her name, and five kids look over.
This is a beautiful name, and that is why it is rising in popularity. God, I hope it doesn't become the next Madison...or Ashley...or Alison...that would break my heart.
I really don't like this name. It sounds like a name a snooty mother would name her child.
Be careful... Ava is rising in popularity!

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