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Pronunciation of Name
Does anyone know how to pronounce the name Rune? I say it the same way as I would in Ancient Rune (roohn), although I do not know the correct pronunciation of the name, and I can imagine it's not the way I pronounce it. The site says that its Scandinavian, so the pronounciation could be Danish, Norwegian, or Swedish, any help would be appreciated.TIA
D. A.
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ListenHi DaveAmadeus,Listen here to the Swedish and the Danish pronunciation (the Norwegian pronunciation is similar to the Swedish one):,
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Wow... soo different from the English way of pronuncing them...TYHaven
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I'm nearly positive that it would actually be "ROO-neh", which I like better anyway.Array
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I would also say 'roohn' I don't know if thats the correct Scandinavian, but certainly I think thats how it would be pronounced in English speaking countries, so I'd stick to that way.
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