Armenian name Mane
What is the meaning or origin of the Armenian feminine name Mane (Մանե)? In 2010 it was the most popular girls' name in Armenia, but it's not listed in the BtN database.
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One book I have says the meaning is unknown, but it could either be from "mann" meaning "circuit, round, promenade" or from the name Manan (Manana) meaning "lichen."A website I found says Manana means "semolina," and is used in the form Maneh as a girls' name.The other book I have says Mane means "fern." There was a 4th century Armenian virgin hermit saint named Mane.The first book is usually the most trustworthy of the two I have. The website I found seems pretty good, though! I'm no expert in Armenian names, but I have studied them a bit.
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Thanks for your help. I guess the meaning is uncertain.
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