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I'll give it a try...
Almudena - al-moo-DEH-nah
Asdrubal - AHS-droo-bahl
Bernardita - behr-nar-DEE-tah
Brunilda - broo-NIL-da
Catherina - cuh-theh-REE-nah
Eutimio - eh-oo-TEE-mee-oh
Nicolao - nih-koh-LAH-oh
Pastora - pahs-TOH-rahHappiness can be found even in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the lights
~Albus Dumbledore
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Almost perfect. In Asdrúbal, the stress is on "DROO": [as-DROO-bahl].
Brunilda is [broo-NEEL-dah]. I`d say that Catherina sounds [kah-teh-REE-nah](in Spanish, only "z" and sometines "c" sound "th", like in "paTH"). The rest is OK.
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One thing, Profe EstebanYou told me a while ago that Adelaida is pronounced ah-deh-LAI-dah; is that closer to ah-deh-LAY-dah or ah-deh-LIE-dah? Thanks in advance!~
AndrewMarie: "Oh my G*d he's in a cult!"
Robert: "It's not a cult, Ma, it's just a bunch of people who care about me, who want to see me happy!"
Marie: "You have that here, you stupid a*s!"
~Quote from "Everybody Loves Raymond"
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Hi, Andrew...the way closer to reality is ah-deh-LIE-dah. I hope you´ll understand that being an spanishspeaker (and writer), sometimes it is difficult for me to express the exact sounds in your language. Anyway, thanks for relying on me on this subject. Besides, we all have our dear Lumia who is an expert in this field. Regards.
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AndrewMarie: "Oh my G*d he's in a cult!"
Robert: "It's not a cult, Ma, it's just a bunch of people who care about me, who want to see me happy!"
Marie: "You have that here, you stupid a*s!"
~Quote from "Everybody Loves Raymond"
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Oh, one more--Danilo, is it dah-NEE-loh?
AndrewMarie: "Oh my G*d he's in a cult!"
Robert: "It's not a cult, Ma, it's just a bunch of people who care about me, who want to see me happy!"
Marie: "You have that here, you stupid a*s!"
~Quote from "Everybody Loves Raymond"
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AndrewMarie: "Oh my G*d he's in a cult!"
Robert: "It's not a cult, Ma, it's just a bunch of people who care about me, who want to see me happy!"
Marie: "You have that here, you stupid a*s!"
~Quote from "Everybody Loves Raymond"
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