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Array led me to this name a few weeks back and it's been on my mind ever since.I'm looking for any possible information regarding ethnicity, meaning and pronunciation. My American tongue pronounces it 'rih-KISS-ah', but I'm not sure if that would be correct. I can find no information on the origins or meaning of Rikissa. I know it firstly belonged to a queen of Sweden, who was born to a king of Poland and his German-born wife. So, it could be a Polish or German name, but Rikissa could be a Swedish name taken after the young woman ascended to the throne of Sweden.ETA: I just read a Wikipedia article which mentions the name is of Lotharingian-Burgundian origins. But I don't know how reliable Wikipedia is. :)Thanks!Mashka
'Bette Davis's eyes have nothing on mine...'

This message was edited 3/7/2008, 12:05 AM

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Hi Mashka,Rikissa is a Swedish medieval form of the Old High German name Richiza, which is a pet name of Old High German names beginning with Rich-, esp. Richhild.The Swedish pronunciation is ree-KISS-sah.

This message was edited 3/9/2008, 8:37 AM

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