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Comments for Sunny

As a 45 year old woman with the name Sunny on my birth certificate...Sunny is an excellent name for a girl. For one thing, it's easy to pronounce (unlike my surname). It ought to be easy to spell -- I always say, "Sunny, like the weather" -- but folks always want to put an 'i' on the end or spell it like the boy's name 'Sonny' (Do I LOOK like a boy? Not!).FYI: Sometimes people pick at me about the weather... I tell them that the sun is always shining -- If you don't like the weather, go complain to Windy!With a name like Sunny I didn't really need a nickname but I am sometimes called Sunshine -- sort of a reverse nickname, being longer than the original.The upbeat name Sunny was a bit of a burden for moody teenage me: My step-dad called me 'Partly Cloudy' for a couple of years.The only downside to being named Sunny was that junk mail sometimes got my demographics mixed up with a 65-yr-old Sonny-boy-type guy (but that was back in the early 80's; they're better about tracking that stuff now).Mom says she named me Sunny because:
* I was born on a Sunny day in May.
* She liked the song "When Sunny Gets Blue" by Johnny Mathis ( ).
* She was absolutely determined I would NOT share my name with six other girls in my class (as she had with the name Judy in the 50's).It's a pretty unique name: I've only ever met one other birth-certificate-Sunny. As a matter of fact, if you Google my first and last names in quotes, all you get are pages about me and about the weather in my ancestors' hometown.I may not be Cher or Madonna (or Beyonce) but folks don't have to use specify a last name to talk about me. Plus, most folks remember my name (if only I could remember theirs'!).BOTTOM LINE: Sunny has been a great name, I highly recommend it.