Browse Elements

This is a list of elements in which the first letter is T; and the type is element.
ta 1 Japanese
Means "thick, big, great", from a Japanese kan'yoon reading of tài.
ta 2 Japanese
Means "field, rice paddy", from a Japanese kun reading of tián.
ta 3 Japanese
Japanese goon reading of duō.
ta 4 Japanese
Japanese kan'on reading of .
Chinese character meaning "expand, open, support".
tachibana Japanese
Japanese kun reading of .
tadashi 1 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of zhèng.
tadashi 2 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of zhōng.
tag Old High German
Old High German word meaning "day".
tài 1 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "very, extreme".
tài 2 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "peaceful".
tai 1 Japanese
Japanese kan'on reading of .
taka 1 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of guì.
taka 2 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of xiào.
taka 3 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of gāo.
takara 宝, 寶 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of bǎo.
takashi 1 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of xiào.
takashi 2 Japanese
Means "noble, prosperous", from a Japanese nanori reading of lóng.
takashi 3 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of chóng.
takashi 4 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of zūn.
take 1 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of .
take 2 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of zhú.
takeshi 1 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of .
takeshi 2 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of jiàn.
taku Japanese
Japanese on reading of .
takumi 1 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of jiàng.
takumi 2 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of qiǎo.
tama 1 तम Sanskrit
Sanskrit affix meaning "best".
tǎn Chinese
Chinese character meaning "flat, smooth, level".
táng Chinese
Chinese character referring to the Tang dynasty, which ruled in China from the 7th to 10th centuries.
tani Japanese
Japanese kun reading of .
táo Chinese
Chinese character meaning "peach".
tāo 涛, 濤 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "large waves".
tatsu 1 Japanese
Japanese kan'on reading of .
tatsu 2 竜, 龍 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of lóng.
tatsu 3 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of chén.
téng Chinese
Chinese character meaning "wisteria, creeper plant, rattan".
terasu Japanese
Japanese kun reading of zhào.
tetsu 1 Japanese
Means "philosophy" in Japanese, a kan'on reading of zhé.
tetsu 2 Japanese
Japanese kan'on reading of chè.
thanh 1 Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of qīng.
thanh 2 Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of shēng.
þank Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "thought, consideration, thanks".
thank Old Saxon, Old Dutch
Old Saxon and Old Dutch word meaning "thought, consideration, thanks".
þankaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "thought, consideration, thanks".
thảo Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of cǎo.
þeoda Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "people, tribe".
þeudō Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "people, tribe".
thi Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of shī.
thị Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of shì.
thiad Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "people, tribe".
thiod Old Saxon
Old Saxon word meaning "people, tribe".
þiuda 𐌸𐌹𐌿𐌳𐌰 Gothic
Gothic word meaning "people, tribe".
þruþi Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "strength".
þrūþiz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "strength".
þryþ Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "strength".
thu Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of qiū.
thuần Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of chún.
thùy Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of chuí.
tián Chinese
Chinese character meaning "field".
tiān Chinese
Chinese character meaning "sky, heaven".
tiên Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of xiān.
tíng 1 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "courtyard".
tíng 2 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "pretty, graceful".
tixŭ тихъ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "quiet".
to 1 Japanese
Japanese on reading of dǒu.
to 2 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of xiáng.
to 3 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of rén.
1 Japanese
Japanese kan'on reading of téng.
2 Japanese
Japanese kan'on reading of dōng.
tomi Japanese
Japanese kun reading of .
tomiti томити Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "to torment".
tomo 1 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of zhì.
tomo 2 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of péng.
tóng Chinese
Chinese character meaning "pupil of the eye".
tori Japanese
Japanese kun reading of niǎo.
tōru 1 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of chè.
tōru 2 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of hēng.
toshi 1 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of mǐn.
toshi 2 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of jùn.
toshi 3 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of .
toshi 4 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of shū.
toyo 豊, 豐 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of fēng.
trần Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of chén.
trang Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of zhuāng.
trí Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of zhì.
trinh Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of zhēn.
trúc Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of zhú.
tsu Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of .
tsubaki 椿 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of chūn.
tsubame Japanese
Japanese kun reading of yàn.
tsubasa Japanese
Japanese kun reading of .
tsukasa Japanese
Means "director, boss", a Japanese kun reading of .
tsuki Japanese
Japanese kun reading of yuè.
tsuku Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of yuè.
tsukuda Japanese
Means "cultivated rice field", a Japanese kun reading of diàn.
tsumi Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of zhāi.
tsune 恒, 恆 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of héng.
tsuno Japanese
Japanese kun reading of jiǎo.
tsuru Japanese
Japanese kun reading of .
tsuyo Japanese
Japanese kun reading of gāng.
tsuyoshi Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of gāng.
1 图, 圖 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "chart, map".
2 Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of xiù.
tuân Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of zūn.
tuyến Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of xiàn.
tuyết Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of xuě.