Old Germanic Elements

This is a list of elements in which the usage is Old Germanic.
hildiz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "battle, fight".
hildr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "battle".
hilds 饜尫饜尮饜尰饜尦饜崈 Gothic (Hypothetical)
Gothic word meaning "battle".
hilt Old High German
Old High German word meaning "battle".
hiruz Old High German
Old High German word meaning "hart, deer".
hjalmr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "helmet".
hjǫrr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "sword".
hjǫrtr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "hart, deer".
hlaw Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "mound, small hill".
hlíð Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "hillside, slope".
hlud Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "famous, loud".
hlūdaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "loud, famous".
hlut Old High German
Old High German word meaning "famous, loud".
hōbō Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "plot of land".
hoc Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "hook, angle".
hod 1 Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "hood, hat".
hōdaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "hood, hat".
hof Old High German, Anglo-Saxon, Old Dutch
Old High German, Old English and Old Dutch word meaning "yard, court, house".
hogg Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "hog".
hoh 1 Old High German
Old High German word meaning "high".
hoh 2 Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "heel, hough, point of land".
hok Old Frisian
Old Frisian word meaning "hook, angle".
hōkaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "hook".
hold Old High German
Old High German word meaning "favourable, gracious, graceful, loyal".
holegn Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "holly".
hǫll Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "hall, manor".
holmr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "small island".
holt Anglo-Saxon, Old Norse, Old Dutch, Old Saxon
Old English, Old Norse, Old Dutch and Old Saxon word meaning "forest".
holz Old High German
Old High German word meaning "wood".
horh Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "dirt, mud, mucus".
horn Anglo-Saxon, Old High German, Old Norse, Old Dutch
Old English, Old High German, Old Norse and Old Dutch word meaning "horn".
hors Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "horse".
hǫð Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "battle, combat".
houbit Old High German
Old High German word meaning "head".
houva Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "plot of land, farm".
houwan Old High German
Old High German word meaning "to chop, to cut".
hraban Old High German
Old High German word meaning "raven".
hrabnaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "raven".
hrace Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "throat, gorge".
hræfn Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "raven".
hrafn Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "raven".
hram Old High German, Old Saxon, Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old High German, Old Saxon and Frankish word meaning "raven" (a variant of hraban).
hreiðr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "nest, home".
hris Old High German
Old High German word meaning "twig, branch, bush".
hriðer Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "cattle, ox".
hrok Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "crow, rook".
hrōkaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "crow, rook".
hrōmaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "fame, glory".
hros Old High German
Old High German word meaning "horse".
hross Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "horse".
hroth Old Saxon (Hypothetical)
Old Saxon word meaning "fame, glory".
hroð Anglo-Saxon
Old English element meaning "fame, glory" (as a vocabulary word, it is spelled hreð).
hroþi Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "fame, glory".
hrōþiz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "fame, glory".
hróðr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "praise, fame, glory".
hroþs 饜尫饜崅饜崏饜尭饜崈 Gothic (Hypothetical)
Gothic word meaning "fame, glory".
hruod Old High German (Hypothetical)
Old High German word meaning "fame, glory".
hruoh Old High German
Old High German word meaning "crow, rook".
hruom Old High German
Old High German word meaning "fame, glory".
hufą Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "small hill, estate, house".
hugi Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "mind, thought, spirit".
hugiz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "mind, thought, understanding".
hugr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "mind, thought, mood".
hugu Old High German
Old High German word meaning "mind, thought, spirit".
hulmaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "small island".
hultą Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "wood".
hulþaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "favourable, gracious, graceful".
humbal Old High German
Old High German word meaning "bee".
hun 1 Old High German, Anglo-Saxon, Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old High German, Old English and Frankish element meaning "bear cub, offspring".
hūnaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "knob, swelling, offspring".
hunig Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "honey".
huntian Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "to hunt".
huoba Old High German
Old High German word meaning "plot of land, farm".
huod Old Dutch (Hypothetical)
Old Dutch word meaning "hood, hat".
huok Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "hook, corner".
huot Old High German
Old High German word meaning "hood, hat".
hurną Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "horn".
hursą Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "horse".
hurst Old High German, Old Saxon
Old High German and Old Saxon word meaning "wood, thicket, nest".
hurstiz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "wood, thicket".
hus Old High German, Old Dutch, Anglo-Saxon
Old High German, Old Dutch and Old English word meaning "house".
hūsą Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "house".
hux Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "insult, scorn".
hvítr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "white".
hwæte Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "wheat".
hwit Anglo-Saxon, Old Saxon
Old English and Old Saxon word meaning "white".
hwītaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "white".
hyll Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "hill".
hyrst Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "wood, thicket".
id Old High German (Hypothetical)
Old High German element possibly meaning "work, labour".
idiz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "deed, doing".
ieg Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "island".
ing Old High German, Anglo-Saxon, Old Dutch
Old High German, Old English and Old Dutch suffix meaning "belonging to".
ingaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic suffix meaning "belonging to".
irmin Old High German
Old High German prefix meaning "whole, great, universal".
is Old High German, Old Dutch (Hypothetical)
Old High German and Old Dutch word meaning "ice".
īsą Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "ice".
isarn Old High German
Old High German word meaning "iron".
īsarną Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "iron".
iw Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "yew tree".
iwa 1 Old High German
Old High German word meaning "yew tree".
īwaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "yew tree".
jagon Old High German
Old High German word meaning "to hunt".
jarl Old Norse
Old Norse noble title.
jǫfurr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "boar, prince".
jór Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "horse".
jǫrmun Old Norse
Old Norse prefix meaning "whole, great, immense".
jǫrð Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "earth, soil".
jung 1 Old High German, Old Dutch
Old High German and Old Dutch word meaning "young".
jungaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "young".
kaisaraz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "emperor", derived from the Roman name Caesar.
kampijō Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
West Germanic word meaning "soldier" (from Latin campus).
karil Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "man".
karl Old High German, Old Norse
Old High German (also spelled karal) and Old Norse word meaning "man".
karlaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "man".
kárr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "curly, curved".
kasto Old High German
Old High German word meaning "crate".
katilaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "kettle, cauldron".
kaupōną Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "to buy, to trade" (related to Latin caupo).
keisar Old High German
Old High German word meaning "emperor", derived from the Roman name Caesar.
kemphio Old High German
Old High German word meaning "champion, warrior".
ketill Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "kettle, cauldron" (later also acquiring the meaning "helmet").
keulaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "ship, keel".
kind Old High German, Old Saxon
Old High German and Old Saxon word meaning "child".
kindą Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "child".
kirihha Old High German
Old High German word meaning "church" (from Greek).
kirkja Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "church" (via Old English from Greek).
kista Old High German
Old High German word meaning "chest, box" (via Latin from Greek).
kjarr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "thicket, brush".
kleini Old High German
Old High German word meaning "small, little".
kneht Old Germanic (Hypothetical), Old High German
West Germanic and Old High German word meaning "servant, apprentice".
knif Old Saxon
Old Saxon word meaning "knife".
knopf Old High German
Old High German word meaning "button".
koh Old High German
Old High German word meaning "a cook".
kok Old Saxon, Old Dutch
Old Saxon and Old Dutch word meaning "a cook".
kokkr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "rooster, cock".
kol Old High German
Old High German word meaning "coal".
kollo Old High German
Old High German word meaning "head, peak".
kolo 2 Old High German
Old High German word meaning "cabbage".
kōniz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "skillful, clever".
konr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "son, descendant".
kopf Old High German
Old High German word meaning "head".
korn Old High German
Old High German word meaning "kernel, grain".
koufon Old High German
Old High German word meaning "to buy, to trade".
kram Old High German
Old High German word meaning "tent, trading post".
kranz Old High German
Old High German word meaning "wreath".
krona Old High German
Old High German word meaning "crown", ultimately from Latin corona.
kruog Old High German
Old High German word meaning "jug, pot".
kukkaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "rooster, cock".
kula 2 Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "hole, bump".
kullaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "head, peak".
kūlǭ Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "hole, bump".
kuni 1 Old High German, Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old High German and Frankish element meaning "kingly, royal".
kuning Old High German, Old Dutch
Old High German and Old Dutch word meaning "king".
kuningaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "king".
kuningrihhi Old High German
Old High German word meaning "kingdom".
kuniz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "kingly, chiefly, race, descendant".
kunją Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "clan, family, lineage".
kunni Old High German
Old High German word meaning "clan, family".
kunþaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "known, familiar".
kuofa Old High German
Old High German word meaning "container, cask, barrel".
kuoni Old High German
Old High German word meaning "brave, bold".
kvistr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "twig, branch".
lad Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "course, way".
lahhi Old High German
Old High German word meaning "doctor, healer".
laibō Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "remainder, remnant, legacy".
laibu Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "remainder, remnant, legacy".
laikaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "play, game, sport".
laki Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "doctor, healer".
land Anglo-Saxon, Old Norse, Old Saxon, Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old English, Old Norse, Old Saxon and Frankish word meaning "land".
landą Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "land".
lang Anglo-Saxon, Old High German, Old Dutch (Hypothetical)
Old English, Old High German and Old Dutch word meaning "long".
langaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "long".
langr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "long".
lant Old High German, Old Dutch
Old High German and Old Dutch word meaning "land".
lauf Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "leaf".
laug Old Norse
Old Norse element possibly meaning "vowed, promised, bound in oath".
laugō Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "bath, hot spring".
leac Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "leek, herb".
leah Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "woodland, clearing".
leiba Old High German
Old High German word meaning "remainder, remnant, legacy".
leif Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "inheritance, legacy, remainder, remnant".
leih Old High German
Old High German word meaning "melody, tune".
leikr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "play, game, sport".
lēkjaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "doctor, healer".
leof Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "dear, beloved".
leub Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "dear, beloved".
leubaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "dear, beloved".
leudīz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "people".
leugō Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "marriage".
leuhtą Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "light".
leva Old Saxon
Old Saxon word meaning "remainder, remnant, legacy".
lewo Old High German, Old Dutch, Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old High German, Old Dutch and Frankish word meaning "lion".
licc Anglo-Saxon (Hypothetical)
Old English word (unattested) meaning "stream".
lin Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "flax".
lind 1 Old High German, Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old High German and Frankish word meaning "soft, flexible, tender, mild".
lind 2 Anglo-Saxon, Old Norse
Old English and Old Norse word meaning "linden tree, lime tree, shield".
linda 2 Old Dutch (Hypothetical)
Old Dutch word meaning "linden tree, lime tree, shield".
lindō Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "linden tree, lime tree".
linta Old High German
Old High German word meaning "linden tree, lime tree, shield".
linþaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "soft, flexible, tender, mild".
liob Old High German
Old High German word meaning "dear, beloved".
liod Old Frisian
Old Frisian word meaning "people".
lioht Old High German
Old High German word meaning "light".
lītilaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "small".
lítill Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "small".
liud Old Dutch, Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old Dutch and Frankish word meaning "people".
liut Old High German
Old High German word meaning "people".
ljótr Old Norse
Old Norse element meaning "light".
lob Old High German
Old High German word meaning "praise".
lubą Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "praise".
lundr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "grove".
luzil Old High German
Old High German word meaning "small".
lyng Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "heather".
macian Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "to make".
macon Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "to make".
mær Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "girl, maid".
mære Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "famous, illustrious, known".
mærr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "famous, illustrious, known".
mageną Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "power, strength".
magn Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "power, strength".
mahal Old High German, Old Saxon
Old High German and Old Saxon word meaning "meeting, assembly, court".
mahhon Old High German
Old High German word meaning "to make".
maht Old High German, Old Saxon
Old High German and Old Saxon word meaning "might, strength".
mahtiz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "might, strength".
makon Old Saxon, Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old Saxon and Frankish word meaning "to make".
makōną Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "to make".
malmaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "sand, ore".
malmr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "ore, metal".
man 1 Old High German, Old Dutch
Old High German and Old Dutch word meaning "person, man".
manag Old High German
Old High German word meaning "many".
managaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "many".
mandala Old High German
Old High German word meaning "almond", of Latin origin.
mann Anglo-Saxon, Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old English and Frankish word meaning "person, man".
mannô Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "person, man".
marah Old High German
Old High German word meaning "horse".
marhaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "horse".
mari Old High German, Old Saxon, Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old High German, Old Saxon and Frankish word meaning "famous, illustrious, known".
marka Old High German
Old High German word meaning "border, boundary, march".
markō Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "border, boundary, march".
maþlą Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "meeting, assembly, council".
maðr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "person, man" (genitive manns).
mawī Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "girl, maid".
megin Old High German, Old Saxon, Old Dutch (Hypothetical), Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old High German, Old Saxon, Old Dutch and Frankish word meaning "power, strength".
meldaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "gentle, mild, pleasant".
meri 2 Old Dutch (Hypothetical)
Old Dutch word meaning "lake".
mērjaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "famous, illustrious, known".
mers 饜尲饜尨饜崅饜崈 Gothic (Hypothetical)
Gothic word meaning "famous, illustrious, known".
mezzirahs Old High German
Old High German word meaning "knife".
middel Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "middle".
milde Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "gentle, mild, pleasant".
minna Old High German
Old High German word meaning "love, remembrance".
miðr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "middle".
mōdaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "mind, mood".
mōdēr Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "mother".
mona Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "moon".
mór 2 Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "moor, heath, bog".
mor 1 Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "moor, heath, bog".
mōraz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "moor, heath, bog".
morgan Old High German
Old High German word meaning "morning".
mǫrk Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "border, boundary, forest".
móðir Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "mother".
móðr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "wrath, courage".
mulin Old High German
Old High German word meaning "mill".
mund Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "protection".
munda Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "protection".
mundō Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "hand, protection".
mundr Old Norse (Hypothetical)
Old Norse word meaning "protection".
munt Old High German
Old High German word meaning "protection".
muor Old High German
Old High German word meaning "moor, heath, bog".
muot Old High German
Old High German word meaning "mind, spirit, courage".
muozan Old High German
Old High German word meaning "must, have to".
mura 2 Old High German
Old High German word meaning "wall", of Latin origin.
mūs Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "mouse".
mus Old High German, Anglo-Saxon, Old Dutch (Hypothetical)
Old High German, Old English and Old Dutch word meaning "mouse".
mylna Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "mill".
myrige Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "pleasant, delightful".
nagal Old High German, Old Dutch (Hypothetical)
Old High German and Old Dutch word meaning "nail, peg".
naglaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "nail, peg".
nand Old High German, Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old High German and Frankish word meaning "daring, brave".
nanþa 饜尳饜尠饜尳饜尭饜尠 Gothic (Hypothetical)
Gothic word meaning "boldness, daring".
nanþaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "daring, brave".
naudiz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "need, necessity".
nes Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "headland, promontory".
neujaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "new".
nidar Old High German
Old High German word meaning "down".
niþer Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "down".
nither Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "down".
niðr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "down".
niþra Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "down".
niuwi Old High German
Old High German word meaning "new".
niwe Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "new".
nord Old High German, Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old High German and Frankish word meaning "north".
norþ Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "north".
norðr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "north".
not Old High German
Old High German word meaning "need, necessity".
noð Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "boldness, daring".
nurþaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "north".
nuz Old High German
Old High German word meaning "nut".
nýr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "new".