Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Beautiful name which belonged to an inspiring young lady.
This spelling may be usable in the US, if you can pull it off. It is a bit strange looking to people in the United States, but the right person can pull it off. Anne Frank is also an excellent name sake.
Actually, I quite like this spelling. Many names spell out words. It is a name derived from the classic Hannah and Elizabeth.
This was the real name of Anne Frank. Because I myself am Jewish and thought Anne Frank to be one of the most inspirational people ever, I named my daughter after her.
Very pretty, but unusable in the US because it says "Anne lies."
It's beautiful, but I could never give my daughter *this* spelling of the name. In English, it says "Anne lies."
I L.O.V.E. this name! Though I probably wouldn't have before last week, because I was watching a program about Anne Frank all last week, and I never knew her real name was Annelies - so I fell in love with it! It's a great name, and I use it all the time in my imagined family.
I think this is a beautiful name! Plus I would love to name my daughter after Anne Frank.

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