Comments (Personal Impression Only)

By itself it sounds nice but combined with a surname sounds like a name a folktale character would have or some fantasy name. Or it'll just sound weird.
I just found this name and really like the sound of it. It's soft, yet masculine, and has a sort of strength that feels quiet and reserved. Sounds a bit like the female name Artemis, only this one works much better for males, ha ha. I have yet to read The Three Musketeers (even though I own a copy of the book) so I don't know how well my perception fits with the famous character, but I very much like the name.
I met a boy with this name recently and found it to be so very distinguished and masculine.
This is a very cool name. I love every bit of it when I call my club leader, who is named Aramis. You gotta love the musketeers. They fence.

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