There’s no reason to bring unrelated names into this, Aydan (eye-dahn) is a beautiful Turkish girl’s name meaning ‘from the moon’. I think it’s lovely and elegant :)
Also Azerbaijani: [noted -ed]
I only like it as a Turkish name.
Aydan is a lovely Turkish name, but sadly unusable in most western countries, as it has an unfortunate similarity to some butchered versions of Aidan.
Aiden is a trendy, overused name for a boy, but I like Aydan on a girl.
Pronounced IE-dahn. [noted -ed]
If it's not pronounced as Aidan\Aiden which is a males name, then how do you pronounce it?
MY GOD!It's a Turkish name. NOT AIDAN. NOT A TACKY SPELLING. It means ´´from the moon´´.
This is actually a Turkish girls name so the spelling doesn't make me sick. Do some research before claiming it is just a variant of Aidan.
That is true, but I'm pretty sure at least 75% of the people who give this name to their son are just idiots trying to find a "unique" way to spell the already sickeningly trendy and infantile name Aidan.
This spelling makes me sick. Spell it Aidan like it's supposed to be.

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