Comments (Usage Only)

This name can also be a Masculine name, making this name Unisex. Also a transferred use of the surname.
This name is also a Masculine name used in Nigeria and Ghana. to the USA Social Security Administration, 132 girls and 54 boys were recorded with the name Diamond in 2022. notable Masculine bearer of the name is a basketball player: Diamond Stone.
His birth name is Diamond Louis Stone.
The name Diamond was given to 258 girls born in the US in 2015.
My father was born in 1915 and his middle name was Diamond. He always said it was a family name (which I took to mean a surname) that only the men took on. However, having studied his family tree I have found no evidence of this. Also, his mother tragically had a little girl who died before she was 2 years old called Ruby, so I think she just liked the names and the meanings behind them. I was nearly called Diamond as a first name according to my mum, but my father didn't like the idea of a girl having the name.
Both the names "Adamantine" (f) and "Adamantios" (m) have been used in Greece for hundreds of years.

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