Comments (Pronunciation Only)

Don is pronounced as it is spelt, DON, as in gone.
You're wrong. You need to use this site's pronunciation guide. By the guide, it would not be pronounced DON unless it rhymes with cone or bone.
Yes but I am pronouncing it like the Phon in Phonetics. Not to ryhme with Dawn. I am not pronouncing it with an American accent.
To the person who said they weren't pronouncing it with an American accent, there is no such thing. I have been all over the country and every sounds extremely different. It is pronounced, Dahn like when you say Ahh, not Dawn as in awe.
Your accent doesn't matter. Do you know how to use a pronunciation key? When you see the letters AH in a pronunciation you have to go to the key to find out what sound they represent. If you do this you find that AH represents the sound in pot and con, which is the same as the sound in phonetics and Don. The O is used to represent an entirely different sound!

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