Comments (Pronunciation Only)

My name is Emilie and I get it mispronounced often. Examples of mispronunciation: Em-eil-ie, A-me-lia, Em-al-ia, Em-alé. My name is also spelled wrong as well, mainly spelled Emily. I have to coach people on my name. Emily with an ie at the end instead of a y.
Emily, Emelie, Emely, Emaly aren’t exactly like Emilie, although I’m pretty sure they come from the same roots.
Emilie is pronounced EH-MEE-LEE or EH-MI-LEE (depends on origin)
Emily, Emelie, Emely, Emaly is pronounced EH-MEH-LEE
MEH sound is like ‘m’ in mouse and ‘eh’ from about.
Ok. So it's eh-mi-LEE in Swedish and EHM-i-lee in English.
EHM-i-lee is actually the English pronunciation of the name. It's actually pronounced in Swedish and Norwegian only as eh-MI-li-eh.
Incorrect. Emilie is never pronounced "eh-MI-li-eh" in Swedish. The Swedish pronunciation with 3 syllables is correct. You can even listen to it on Google Translate:
Pronounced in English as EHM-i-lee, not EHM-ə-lee.
The correct German pronunciation is eh-MEE-lee-eh, not like Emily. [noted -ed]
Pronounced E-mee-lee in German. [noted -ed]

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