Comments (Pronunciation Only)

Spanish pronunciation: EH-reek (the same as Eric). [noted -ed]
Pronunciation Correction:EHR-ik (English), EH-rik (Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, German, Dutch), EW-ehg (Danish), EH-reek (Finnish, Slovak, Slovene, Hungarian)
Add Usage: EstonianPronounced: EH-rik (Czech) [noted -ed]Form of ERIC used in various languages.
Hungarian pronunciation: E-rik. [noted -ed]
You listed the Dutch pronunciation for this name as being "I-rik". But according to your pronunciation guide/key, the 'I' in the first part is pronounced the same as the 'i' in English words like "bit" and "kin": is wrong, I'm afraid: the first letter of the name Erik is nowhere near an 'i'-sound! It is pronounced more like English 'ay' (in words like "bay" and "clay").Perhaps take a look at the names Elia and Eva: the Dutch pronunciation that you provided there is correct. The pronunciation of the 'E' in those names is exactly the same as that of the 'E' in Erik. [noted -ed]
This is the name of my best friend. In Dutch the pronouncement of the e in Erik is as the ee in deer of like the ea in bear.
Listen to the German pronunciation of Erik here:

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