Comments (Usage Only)

Also Spanish (Modern). There are 15.201 bearers of this name in Spain, and the average age of the bearers is 11 (source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística). [noted -ed]
Apparently also used in Catalan:
Apparently also used in Galician:
The Russian transcription of Erik is: Эрик.
Also used in Estonia: [noted -ed]
In 2018, 30 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Erik who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 382nd most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
It's a popular name in Armenia. Not too popular but still deserves to be mentioned.
Also very commonly used in Hungary as a masculine first name. [noted -ed]
Also Croatian. [noted -ed]
Erik is also used quite frequently in the Netherlands (this also goes for the spelling Eric), where it is pronounced as follows: AY-rik. [noted -ed]
Also a masculine name in Croatia.

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