Comments (Usage Only)

With 888,793 bearers, Fatima is the 2nd most common feminine given name in Algeria (2014 Data). With 865,542 bearers, Fatima is the 3rd most common feminine given name in Morocco (2014 Data). With 826,558 bearers, Fatima is the 11th most common feminine given name in Pakistan (2014 Data). With 465,127 bearers, Fatima is the 7th most common feminine given name in Iraq (2014 Data). With 351,840 bearers, Fatima is the 7th most common feminine given name in Afghanistan (2014 Data). With 252,191 bearers, Fatima is the 1st most common feminine given name in Oman (2014 Data). With 135,707 bearers, Fatima is the 5th most common feminine given name in Jordan (2014 Data). With 88,545 bearers, Fatima is the 4th most common feminine given name in Lebanon (2014 Data). With 76,087 bearers, Fatima is the 4th most common feminine given name in Palestine (2014 Data). With 62,661 bearers, Fatima is the 4th most common feminine given name in Kuwait (2014 Data). With 32,610 bearers, Fatima is the 1st most common feminine given name in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014 Data). With 19,652 bearers, Fatima is the 1st most common feminine given name in Bahrain (2014 Data). With 12,541 bearers, Fatima is the 8th most common feminine given name in Comoros (2014 Data). Source:
Fatima is also Swedish. The name day for Fatima in Sweden is August 28.
Fatima is also Bengali.Scripts: ফাতেমা (Bengali)Bengali Pronunciation: FA-te-mah.
Actually it IS of Portuguese usage as well for the person who's saying it's Arabic. It's my mother's middle name, and she's Portuguese. There's a famous town in Lisbon I believe called Fatima. It's used for BOTH Arabic and Portuguese.
This name is quite common in lots of places isn't it? It's not one of my faves, but it's okay. Lots of people in Brazil are called Fatima.
In Morocco you'll find many Fatimas. Tradition has been to name at least one daughter (usually the first) after the Prophet's daughter. It's normal to find an old granny named Fatima, with a daughter named Fatima, who has a niece named Fatima. (like with my in-laws).I didn't like the name Fatima much when I was little, but I like it more these days. Not only is the name popular in Muslim countries, but also in Spanish and Portuguese-speaking areas.
Oh G-d, a name can be of one of more nationality or origin, you small minded IDIOTS! So cut this 'actually it's Arabic' crap because it is 101% definitely BOTH Portuguese and Arabic, and I have also met many different cultures with this name. I was born in Fátima, which IS a place in Portugal, and I have met many, many, many Portuguese Fatima's in my life. It's an okay name, nothing particularly special, but it's okay.

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