Comments (Meaning / History Only)

The real name of Horea, the Romanian hero, was Nicola Ursu (Bear). Horea was a surname; in Romanian "a hori" means "to sing". Nicola Ursu had a very nice voice, so people called him Horea. He is a very popular Romanian hero and everybody knows him as Horea, not as Nicola Ursu. Horea's popularity explains the frequency of this name in Romania.
Since Romanian is a Romance language, this name might also be related to Late Latin 'hora', which means 'hour.'The name from the Romanian dance might even have been borrowed from German 'hurra', a word which was used to describe joy. The words 'hurrah, 'hurray' and 'hooray' all descend from that word. And since dancing is a joyful thing and was a common source of merriment, the word 'hurra' might have become attached to the Romanian dance, eventually becoming 'hora.'
The word is spelled horă not hora. :P
Horea's name came from the Romanian dance, the Hora, where men and women would hold hands in a large circle.
From romanian "hora", a traditional Romanian folk dance or "a hori" (to dance or to sing/play the "hora"). [noted -ed]
Horea, Romanian national hero, used to play the pipe. The origin of his name cames from the typical romanians melodies he used to sing. "A hori" means to sing in old/regional Romanian language.

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