Comments (Usage Only)

The name Jasmin was given to 281 girls born in the US in 2016.
More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Jasmin are female.
Believe it or not, Jasmin is a masculine name in Albania and Bosnia. Over there, the feminine form is Jasmina. I know an Albanian with this name, and he is male. On top of that, it's pronounced differently. But to English ears, it sounds like a feminine name, so I can understand why someone would use it on a girl.
Like the two commentors above said, Jasmin isn't just a modern English version of Jasmine! Jasmin is also the "normal" way of spelling Jasmine in German speaking countries. I have a friend named Jasmin, who I think the name really suits.
This name is very popular in Germany, pronounced "Yus-meen".

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