Comments (Pronunciation Only)

Variant Russian Pronunciation: MA-ryə.
Old English Pronunciation: mə-RIE-ə.
Pronunced "mah-REE-ah" (like Italian or German) or "mah-REE-yah" (like Russian) in Greek.
MAH-ree-ah is the Finnish pronunciation.
Not too long ago, it was also pronounced mah-RYE-uh, similar to Mariah Carey's name. In Ireland, in the late 19th c. many women pronounced it this way.
My friend's grandmother's name was Maria prounounced like MAHR-EYE-UH.
This spelling is also pronounced Ma-rye-a which is Scottish or Ma' ria - heavy on the Ma which is Anglo. I was named after a Scottish great-grandmother who pronounced the spelling of her name Maria as Ma-rye-a.
In some parts of Norway it is pronounced as the Finnish and Dutch Marja. But it is written like Maria.
The old English pronunciation of Maria was the same as Mariah. Ths pronunciation went out of fashion in the 19th and 20th centuries with European influence.
Listen to the German pronunciation of Maria here:
I know a woman named Maria who pronounces it like Mariah.

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