Comments (Pronunciation Only)

Also pronounced May - Gan. I know because this is my name. I hate it because everyone pronounces it Mee - Gan, even when you tell them it's May - Gan. I often get called MEG -an, and it gets annoying.
My middle name is Meagan, but it is pronounced MEE-GAN not MAY-GAN or ME-GAN. I'm 37 years old and before I was born there was a song by Blood, Sweat and Tears called "Meagan's Gypsy Eyes" and they pronounced it MEE-GAN in the song so that's what my mom chose. I like it pronounced MEE-GAN, it seem a little more uncommon that way.
In Australia and New Zealand this name is often pronounced with a long 'e' sound, like in the word 'see'. (Mee-gan)
I like to be different so when I had my daughter some 15 years ago I spelled her name Meagan. It is pronounced M(long/capital A)gan. Some people mistakenly pronounce it with a long e sound. Meeeeegan is not the way it was intended. It can confuse some people because of the "ea" English rule.

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