This spelling is definitely a feminine only spelling.
This is my American girlfriend's name, I love her and she fits with it well. The vibe i get is kinda motherly/feminine but also like a lil stern and strong but feminine, and a tad unique. I really like the spelling it really adds to the feminine compared to Morgan in my opinion. But I do come from Sweden where Morgan is strictly a male name so that may be why.
Actually I think Morgan is more feminine and Morgen is more masculine. The “e” makes names more mature typically!
When I look at this, I think of the 'G' as the 'G' in 'Ginger' not 'Gossip'. If that makes sense. Like "Mor-Jen".
I like this spelling of Morgen better than Morgan.
Morgenstern (Morningstar in german) was my mother's maiden name, but I always thought Morgen would be an awesome name for a little boy.
I like the idea of Morgen being spelt with an "e" rather then an "a". It gives the name a different look but it also gives the name a whole other meaning if you take the Dutch or German meaning of "morning". A person who's name is spelled this way separates themselves from all the other Morgans in a way.
In South Africa this is a unit of measure for land. Its name comes from the area of land that can be ploughed in a morning.
Morgen is German for "morning."
Like clogva1 said, Morgen is German for morning but also for tommorrow as well. It is also Norwegian for morning.
In Dutch it's 'morning' too, but also 'tomorrow'.
This is the Danish word for "morning" also.

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