Comments (Meaning / History Only)

Per Wikipedia, “Perhaps from *samaros (“summer fallow, fallow land”) +‎ *-īnā (usually indicates a relationship of position, possession, or origin).” It comes from a Proto-Celtic base & is related to the name of the River Severn in England & Wales. It was supposedly named after an ancient British or Welsh princess who drowned in the river by her stepmother or grandmother, depending on the tale.
Also means niece in Spanish, a good association for Hilda and Zelda in Sabrina the Teenage Witch, with them being aunts to her, even if they speak English and not Spanish.
The root of Sabrina "sabr" also means patience in Arabic
To the comment below - sobrina, not sabrina, means niece in Spanish.
I once read a book that detailed the history of the Isle of Britain. It explained, that Sabrina, was the Romanized version of Zavren, a Danish name, meaning "fuzzy like a bear cub". Zavren was the daughter of Locrin (sometimes called Locrinus) a leader on the Isle of Britain, and Estrildis, a Danish princess he married, to sign a peace treaty. The Roman Emperor that changed the name to Sabrina was Claudius, who had epilepsy, and he said some letters wrong, because of it. Z, became S. And V, became B. And, because she was a girl, he did the Roman thing, and put an A on the end of her name. Zavren, became Sabrina. Roman maps name the river Sabrina, and the bay it empties into, the Sabrina Estuary. Angles and Saxons, not being Danish or Welsh, changed the name of that river to, Severn...
One of the possible origin of this name is from the Hebrew language.In fact it comes from the Hebrew word "sabre" which is the cactus's fruit so it generally means "thorny but sweet".
They write that it has an English origin but it also has a strong middle eastern origin... Many Arabs, Pakistani's and Indian's have the name Sabrina/Sabreenha/Sabreena since Sabr in Arabic is Patience and in Hindu and Punjabi Sab means everything (I think).
The origin is actually Irish and the nymph's name was actually Sabrina she was not the girl being drowned by the king/her dad- I would know, my name is Sabrina.
The name Sabrina comes from an old story of a King who had a daughter named Sabrina, that is why you hear the meaning Sabrina as "princess", she was the product of his and his mistress. He left his wife, the queen and she in turn declared war upon him and when she won she ordered that his mistress and their child (Sabrina) be drowned in the river... Sad but this is what the legendary meaning of the name Sabrina is derived from.
I have a friend called Sabrina, and she swears it's also an Arabic name. She says it means "sweet", and she spells it "Sabreena".
@kvpp88 Yes, it is an Arabic name. Sabrina is related to the word Sabr which means "patience" in Arabic.
Sabrina is an Assyrian (Near Eastern) name meaning "hope" or "waiting". It is the feminine form of the male name Sabre or Sebre, which is derived from the word for patience, waiting and hope.
Means "Princess".

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