Comments (Usage Only)

The name Sarina is also in use in the Netherlands, and it has been since at least the year 1882. The Dutch name database called "Corpus of First Names in The Netherlands" ( lists the name as being derived from the name Sara, but given the fact that by 1882 the Dutch were already long familiar with combining names, it cannot be ruled out that in at least some cases, the name Sarina is a combination of Sara with any feminine name ending in -ina, such as Hendrina, Martina and Wilhelmina.Right now, the best known Dutch bearer of this name is probably Sarina Wiegman (b. 1969), a former professional soccer player who recently became head coach of the Dutch national women's soccer team.Last but certainly not least, the name is pronounced as sah-REE-nah in Dutch.- (in Dutch)
- (lists only bearers from the Netherlands)
- (lists only bearers living in the Netherlands)
- (in English)
- (in Dutch; this is a brief article about the official presentation of Sarina Wiegman as the new head coach of the women's soccer team, which also features some quotes of hers, most of which are related to her ambitious plans for the team). [noted -ed]
I named my daughter Sarina Jayde and she loves her name.
My name is Sarina, used as a surname. Many people via emails think I am a woman, Sarina Thomas, but I am male, Thomas Sarina.

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