If it wasn't for people making a mockery of this name by making fun of the way it sounds, it would actually sound really awesome.
The name Uranus also has a usage of Roman Mythology. So, I think that the "Usages" of this name should be updated from "Greek Mythology" to "Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology".Sources: (Astronomy)
It's so sad, the urine and "your anus" jokes. If those hadn't come with the name, it would've been really cool!
Uranus is my favourite planet.
Literally, if there weren't the, you know, jokes, I would have liked this name.
This has a lot of teasing potential. However, I like the meaning.
Come on, you know why this is bad.
It’s my name and I never get bullied. In fact, people compliment me on it and say how unique it is!
I feel super lucky to have this name, I know it’s kind of got a silly spelling but it doesn’t stop me from loving my name! I love how Uranus is a planet and it makes me think of the names “Star” and “Luna” which are pretty space girl names.
I’m a male by the way.
Do not name your kid this!
I'm aware that Uranus is a planet, and it isn't really anything new to name your kids after planets and other space things, but Uranus? That poor kid is going to have the worst social life ever once he starts school. Just don't. Please.
Weird as a name, plus the "ur anus" jokes.
Now it’s the modern days and it’s gone out of use since it’s practically Greek Mythology. Use your minds, people! Uranus used to be a fine name!
Very unflattering name to give someone.
First of all it’s a planet and second it sounds like your anus.
This would be an amazing name if kids didn't act like kids. Sadly, they do, so you should never, ever, name someone this. Could be good in writing though.
I would pay a million dollars just to see someone name their kid this. This is a very messed-up name.
I agree with Ouranos... Kinda cool actually.
And to those who say it's pronounced a certain way, well it depends on where you live. Where I'm from it IS pronounced ur-an-us and it would be a horrible name. To me, I'd really have to hate that kid in order to name him Uranus, but that's just because of the pronunciation.
Oh my...What a horrible and useless name this one is.
Psssh... HAHAHA.
Please spell it Ouranos. (I love Greek myth)
If you pronounce it one way it is Your Anus.
The other way: Urine Us.
Edit: The one above said it first, but I was thinking it.
It really is pronounced Yur-AH-niss. Not 'Your anus'. Don't ever pronounce it Yur-anus in front of Astrology teacher that teaches higher then high school level. They're very picky about it being pronounced correctly and not like the joke. I'm sure 'Your anus' started out as a joke or a funny mispronouncement, but it's gotten out of hand. Time for a correction. Yur-AH-niss, Okay?
Where I live, this IS pronounced as 'your anus'. I know exactly the kind of problem this would cause for the poor kid and his friends:
Teacher: "Who do you want in your group?"
Friend: "I want Uranus!"
It's a shame, really, because if you quit looking at the anus part of it, it's a pretty cool name!
"quit looking at the anus part of it..."It's hard not to smirk when you see Uranus (You see the kinds of issues someone called this could have?) It's immature, but we're all thinking it. Even if you put the stress on the UR it'll still kind of sound like urine-us or 'you're in us' in certain accents.See how annoying this English language is?
"Uranus is huge!" "Is there a ring of debris around Uranus?" "NASA sends probe to Uranus" and on and on. Not too good.It's pronounced "oo-RAH-noos" or "oo-RAH-nos".
Not only does this name not sound good when you pronounce it correctly, but if you pronounce it alternative way it sounds like "urine". It would be very unfortunate for a child to have this name.
"What's your name?" "Uranus" "What?" [storms off].
Since Saturn was the father of Jupiter they named the planet Uranus after Ouranos the father of Kronos (the Greek equivalent of Saturn).
No way. I'm not even going to comment on how rude this name sounds.
Planet names, at least the ones from our solar system, sound bizarre on people. Of course, the ''anus'' in the name makes it pretty damn near impossible to live with, especially in English-speaking coutries, where the name sounds like ''YOUR anus'', not just like the combination of some obscure ''oor'' sound and 'anus'. Even if you pronounce it as ''yoo-RAH-nus'', the ''anus'' is in the spelling. Spelling this name creatively doesn't seem like a wise decision either.
I had a science teacher when I was in high school who insisted that this is said "YUR-a-nis" but I really think this is an attempt to avoid the undesired relation to bad butt jokes. It is quite annoying when people mis-pronounce things for any reason and even more so that they are teaching this incorrect bit of speach to high school kids.
I would never name a kid Uranus. I think it's pretty obvious why.
I would feel really bad if some wacko parent actually decided to name their child this. Just the thought of him going to school, it'd be a nightmare. The boys in my school would definitely tease him. Poor boy.
I'm pretty sure this is Roman mythology. The Greek equivalent is Cronus. :D
Uranus is the Latinized form of Ouranos. Kronos was Ouranos' youngest son and the leader of the Titans.
Yes, if people can find a way to make fun of my name (Lauren) then I'm CERTAIN a kid called Uranus isn't gonna have a good time at school. And that's putting it lightly.
It SHOULD be pronounced YUR-ah-nus because many children (and immature adults) have WAY too much fun with the 'your ...' well, you know, pronunciation.
It should be "oo-RAH-noos". I use that to avoid any embarrassing moments.
Are you kidding? Not only is it a planet, but some people pronounce it in a rude way!
Wonderful name for a child! :]

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