Comments (Pronunciation Only)

The original (and variable) pronunciations of this name are 'So-CHee-TL' /so̞ˈt͡ʃi.t͡l/ in Mexican Spanish and 'SHo-CHee-TL' /ʃo̞ˈt͡ʃi.t͡l/ in its original Nahuatl pronunciation, ('o' here stands for the O as in Octopus). Now the TL sound (Voiceless Dental-alveolar lateral affricate; t͡ɬ) consists on an Rough T like in 'Time' (Voiceless dental-apical stop; t) rather than the American T in 'kitty' or in 'infinity' (alveolar tap; ɾ), and the L which it is pronounced like an L pronounced swiftly after the T doing a tap and then an L and as an "lateral H" I mean like pronouncing 'HL' making a little obstruction of air throughout the teeth (without making a stop) which sounds like an H (Voiceless dental-alveolar lateral fricative; ɬ). And not an mute L etc..
I know this may be a little confusing but I wanted to tell how it is pronounced in Mexico accurately.For further info visit: Nahuatl is a bit complex sometimes, with 3 different ortographies and many different Nahuatl dialects as well. Thank you for reading all this. :D [noted -ed]
Pronounced "so-cheel"
Nicknames can be "soch" or "so-chee"
Very unique and easy to remember name
Some girls in California have this name, including me.
It should be SHOH-chit'l in Nahuatl, but I've heard that it is commonly pronounced SOH-chee ZOH-chee, SOH-cheel, etc.
Cool name. The proper Nahuatl pronunciation is shoh-cheetl, but it's still acceptable to pronounce it so-chee, zo-chee, or ho-chee.
Some other pronunciations include so-cheel, zo-cheel, ho-cheel, and so on.
I have only ever heard this name pronounced Zo-Cheel (Zo as pronounced like the Z-O in Zoe. Cheel is pronounced to rhyme with feel).
This name is meant to be pronounced Ho-chee-tl; not So-chee or So-shee.
I see that others pronounce it differently, but I've always pronounced it as so'chul. My nickname is Xochie, pronounced so'chee. There is a new tortilla chip on the market (here in Texas) named Xochitl, but pronounced so'shee.
Pronounced SO-chee.

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