Browse Names

This is a list of names in which the meaning contains the keyword apricot.
Kyō m & f Japanese
From Japanese (kyō) meaning "unite, cooperate", (kyō) meaning "capital city", (kyō) meaning "village", (kyō) meaning "apricot", or other kanji with the same pronunciation.
Mai 1 f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese (mai) meaning "plum, apricot" (refers specifically to the species Prunus mume).
Mei 1 f Chinese
From Chinese (měi) meaning "beautiful" or (méi) meaning "Chinese plum" (species Prunus mume), as well as other characters that are pronounced similarly.
Ume f Japanese
From Japanese (ume) meaning "Japanese apricot, plum" (refers specifically to the species Prunus mume). In Japan the ume blossom is regarded as a symbol of spring and a ward against evil. Different kanji or kanji combinations can also form this name.
Umeko f Japanese
From Japanese (ume) meaning "apricot, plum" (referring to the species Prunus mume) and (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.