Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword hour.
See Also
hour meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Hola f Polynesian
Means "hour" in Hawaiian, Samoan and Maori.
Hora f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi
"horoscope", "horoscopy", "hour" ,a branch of traditional Indian astrology dealing with finer points of predective methods"
Hora f Roman Mythology
Possibly derived from Latin hora, meaning "hour, time". This was another name for Hersilia.
Oto m & f Japanese
From Japanese 於 (o) meaning "at, in, on, as for", 央 (o) meaning "center, middle", 乙 (oto, o) meaning "the latter, duplicate, strange, witty", 音 (oto, o) meaning "sound", 桜 (o) meaning "cherry blossom", 緒 (o) meaning "thread", 想 (o) meaning "concept, think, idea, thought", 呂 (oto) meaning "spine, backbone", 朗 (o) meaning "melodious, clear, bright, serene, cheerful" or 和 (o) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan" combined with 兎 (to) meaning "rabbit, hare", 菟 (to) meaning "dodder (plant)", 乙 (to) meaning "the latter, duplicate, strange, witty", 桃 (to) meaning "peach", 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything", 冬 (to) meaning "winter", 翔 (to) meaning "soar, fly", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 柊 (to) meaning "holly", 音 (to) meaning "sound", 時 (to) meaning "time, hour", 人 (to) meaning "person" or 杜 (to) meaning "woods, grove"... [more]
Shigure f & m Japanese (Rare)
This name is used as 時雨 with 時 (ji, toki, -doki) meaning "hour, time" and 雨 (u, ama-, ame, -same) meaning "rain."... [more]
Tokino f Japanese
From Japanese 解 (toki) meaning "unravel, notes, key, explanation, understanding, untie, undo, solve, answer, cancel, absolve, explain, minute", 季 (toki) meaning "seasons", 暁 (toki) meaning "daybreak, dawn, in the event", 時 (toki) meaning "time, hour", 登 (to) meaning "ascend, climb up", 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything", 冬 (to) meaning "winter", 鴇 (toki) meaning "wild goose", 刻 (toki) meaning "engrave, cut fine, chop, hash, mince, time, carving", 常 (toki) meaning "usual, ordinary, normal, common, regular, continually, always, long-lasting", 朱 (to) meaning "vermilion, cinnabar, scarlet, red, bloody" or 音 (to) meaning "sound", 紀 (ki) meaning "chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period", 起 (ki) meaning "rouse, wake up, get up", 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice", 希 (ki) meaning "hope, beg, rare, request", 月 (ki) meaning "moon", 鷺 (ki) meaning "heron" or 生 (ki) meaning "life, genuine, birth" combined with 之 (no), a possessive marker, 乃 (no), a possessive particle or 野 (no) meaning "plains, field, rustic, civilian life"... [more]
Tokio m Japanese
From Japanese 時 (toki) "time, hour" combined with 男 (o) meaning "male, man" or 夫 (o) meaning "husband, man". Other kanji combinations can also form this name.
Tokiomi m Japanese
From Japanese 時 (toki) "hour, time" combined with 臣 (omi) "retainer, subject". Other kanji combinations can also form this name.