Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword they.
See Also
they meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abafile f & m Zulu
Means "they are not dead" or "undead" in Zulu.
Adanech f Amharic
Means "she saved" or "she rescued" or "she has rescued them" in Amharic.
Adele f Hebrew (Modern)
Variant of Adel or alternatively derived from the Hebrew phrase אש דת למו (esh dat lamo) meaning "fiery law unto them", used in reference to the Torah... [more]
Ahāssunu f Babylonian
Means "their sister", deriving from the Akkadian element aḫātu ("sister") combined with the suffix -(aš)šunu ("for them (masculine plural), to them, towards them"),
Ahiga m Navajo
From Navajo ahigą́ "they fight or combat each other; they kill each other" or ahígą́ "you fight or combat each other; you kill each other".
Ajaero m & f Igbo
Taken from the Igbo phrase ana aja gi n’ihu ana ero gi n’azu, meaning "they praise you to your face and mock you behind your back".
Akkayil m Bandial
Means "he surpasses them" in Bandial.
Alemu m Amharic
Means "they dreamt" in Amharic.
Amphictyone f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἀμφικτίονες (amphiktiones) meaning "neighbours, they that live nearby", itself from ἀμφίς (amphis) meaning "surrounding, around, between" and κτίζω (ktizo) meaning "to found, build, people".
Aquique m Nahuatl
Means "who are they?" in Nahuatl.
Avhatendi m & f Venda
Means "they do not believe" in Tshivenda.
Axhoba m Xhosa
Means "they are armed".
Ayacquicahua m Nahuatl
Possibly means "nobody leaves him", from Nahuatl ayac "no one, nobody", qui "him, her, they", and cahua "to leave, abandon, relinquish".
Ayakha f & m Xhosa
Means "they build" in Xhosa.
Ayuk m & f Jagham, Kenyang
Means "they have heard" in Jagham and Kenyang, from the pronoun and root á meaning "they" and yúk meaning "to hear".
Ayusa f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 諭 (yu) meaning "proclaim, instruct" combined with 早 (sa) meaning "they". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Baaitse m & f Tswana
Means "they know" in Tswana.
Baakantse f Tswana
Means "they thought" in Tswana.
Badiambila m & f Luba
Means "let them speak among themselves" in Luba-Kasai.
Badigwala m & f Kassena
Means "they have defeated the slave raider" in Kasem.
Badinabi f Central African, Luba
Means "they have riches" in Luba-Kasai.
Bafiske f Tumbuka
Means "let them do as they please" in Tumbuka.
Bahelwang m & f Tswana
Means "why give them?" in Setswana.
Baitumetse m Tswana
Means "they are happy" in Setswana.
Bajikijayi m & f Central African, Luba-Kasai
Means "finish" or "destroy them" in Luba-Kasai.
Baleba f Luba
Means "they have birthed" in Luba-Kasai, one of the Luba languages.
Balijekwao f Tumbuka
Means "they have no home" in Tumbuka.
Bankatametse f Tswana
Means "they are close to me" in Setswana.
Banyatsang f Tswana
Means "why do they doubt?" in Setswana.
Barulaganye f Tswana
Means "they are in order" in Setswana.
Bayenkhu f Tumbuka
Means "where will they go?" in Tumbuka.
Bec f Irish Mythology (?)
Allegedly an older form of Irish beag "small".... [more]
Bineti f & m Dagbani
Means "they have enlightened us" in Dagbani.
Consider m & f English (Puritan)
Late Middle English from Old French considerer, from Latin considerare ‘examine’, perhaps based on sidus, sider- ‘star’. Possibly referring to Hebrews 10:24, "And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works" or Matthew 6:28, "And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin."
Daniachew m Amharic
Means "arbitrate between them" or "you be the judge" in Amharic.
Gubajuti m & f Bandial
Means "they do not have you" in Bandial.
Guondibo m & f Bandial
Means "they inter you there" in Bandial. This is considered a 'death prevention' name.
Hate-evil f English (Puritan)
Referring to Psalm 97:10, "Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked."
Idai f Shona
Means "love them" in Shona.
Iften m Berber
Means "be better than them" in Amazigh.
Kábananukye m Kiga
Means "let them be happy" in Rukiga.
Kebabonye f Tswana
Means "I saw them" in Setswana.
Kebarutile f Tswana
Means "I have taught them" in Setswana.
Kelefetswe f Tswana
Means "they have done it for me" in Setswana.
Khumiso m & f Tswana
Means "they are making us rich" in Setswana.
Kögala f Karachay-Balkar
From the Karachay-Balkar кёк (kök) meaning "blue, sky" and ала (ala) meaning "I; them", "mottled, speckled" or "light".
Kuzon m Polish
Kuzon is a name that suggests "you give up what you want so other people can have what they need".
Madinia f English (Rare, Archaic)
Meaning uncertain. Dr John Dee gave it to his daughter in 1590, allegedly naming her for one of the Enochian angels ("the spiritual creature who on 28 May 1583 appeared to Dee and Sir Edward Kelley and entered into a mysterious conversation with them", according to Méric Casaubon in his 'True & Faithful Relation…' (1659)).... [more]
Masnsen m Berber
From the Amazigh mas meaning "master" and nsen meaning "of them".
M'baŋba m & f Dagbani
"I have known them"
Mbazima f Tsonga
Means "they are tough" in Xitsonga.
Medesicaste f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Means "adorned with prudence", or possibly "the one that surpasses them all in wisdom", derived from Greek μήδεσι (medesi), dative plural of μήδεα (medea) meaning "plans, counsel, cunning", and κέκασμαι (kekasmai) meaning "to surpass, to excel"... [more]
Musema m & f Yapi lugbara (Rare)
this is a name from Kenya in kiswahili meaning "let them say"
Nbangzaa m & f Dagbani
It means "I have known them"
Ndiane m Kaguru
Means "I have eaten with them" in Chikaguru.
Rizqin f Arabic
Means "they bestow" or "they are bestowed, blessed" in Arabic.
Search-the-scriptures m & f English (Puritan)
Referring to John 5:39, "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
Setugne m Amharic
Means "they gave me" in Amharic.
Shermake m Somali
Means "someone who is really lucky and brings good fortune along with them" in Somali.
Sibakhulule m & f Ndebele
Means "we have liberated them" in Ndebele.
Síilene m & f Bandial
Means "they (cows) make (birds) fly" in Bandial.
Sípimbore m & f Bandial
Means "they (cows) face each other" in Bandial.
Snotra f Norse Mythology
Derived from Old Norse snotr "clever; smart". In Norse mythology, Snotra is a goddess associated with wisdom. Snotra is solely attested in the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson and may be an invention of Snorri's... [more]
Tavaziva m Shona
Tavaziva means "We know them". This name is given in a feuding situation to say we know who the enemy is.
Tikhalenawo f Chewa
Means "let's sit and live with them" in Chewa.
Tiyumba m & f Dagbani
Means "let's love them" in Dagbani.
Tuburuode m Western African, Ijaw
Means "they have moved northward" in Ijaw.
Wanhija f Kaguru
Means "they run off" in Chikaguru.
Waseme f Swahili
Means "let them talk" in Swahili.
Wrestling m English (Puritan)
Old English, frequentative of wrǣstan ‘wrest’. Meaning, "The sport or activity of grappling with an opponent and trying to throw or hold them down on the ground, typically according to a code of rules." Referring to Genesis 32:22-32 in which Jacob wrestles with God... [more]
Yenasu m Amharic
Means "may they rise" in Amharic.
Yergu m Amharic
Means "may they be calm" in Amharic.
Yidnekatchew m Amharic
Means "may he astonish them" in Amharic.
Zandile f Zulu
Means "they have multipled" in Zulu.
Zanele f Zulu
Means "they are enough" in Zulu.
Zeal-for-god m English (Puritan)
A name used in reference to Romans 10:2, "For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge."
Žemyna f Lithuanian (Modern), Baltic Mythology
Lithuanian goddess of the earth, her name deriving from Lithuanian žemė "earth".... [more]
Zinhle f Zulu
Means "they (the girls) are beautiful" in Zulu.