Submitted Name Revision History

loadingDate    Editor    Change Summary
9/25/2022, 12:46 PM Koume Sakura
2/18/2021, 6:46 PM Koume Sakura
2/18/2021, 6:45 PM Koume Sakura
1/27/2021, 5:47 PM Koume Sakura
1/27/2021, 5:46 PM Koume Sakura

Name Mokuren
Gender Feminine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 木蓮, 木蘭(Japanese Kanji) もくれん(Japanese Hiragana) モクレン(Japanese Katakana)
Pronounced Pron. MO-KOO-REN
Other Forms FormsMulian, Mulan (Chinese), Mog-lyeon (Korean)
Edit Status Statusnot set

Meaning & History

The Japanese word for Magnolia liliiflora, also known as the lily magnolia or Mulan magnolia. It is the Japanese reading of Mulan. It comes from Japanese 木 (ki, moku) meaning "tree, wood" combined with 蓮 (hasu, ren) meaning "lotus, waterlily" or 蘭 (ran, ren) meaning "orchid". Other combinations of kanji can form this name as well.
Added 1/27/2021 by Koume Sakura