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I just discovered my gg-grandmother's surname was Candlin, and was wondering about the origin. She was born in Scotland but I thought it could be Irish - there is an Irish surname Candlish which is similar. At first I thought it would be related to Chandler but my Oxford names book has no similar looking derivatives. Any ideas?
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Candlin is listed (under CANDELAND) in Reaney and Wilson's "Dictionary of English Surnames".They trace its pedigree thus: Candlin, from Middle English (c. 1150-1550?) Gandelin, a corruption of Gamelin, a diminutive of Old Norse Gamall, a name which literally means "old".
Black, in his "Surnames of Scotland", lists a surname, Candelane, which turns out to be the same as the English name. So there may have been English and Scottish Candlins, though Black doesn't cite that spelling of the name.
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Thanks for you help!
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