I like Anneliese or Annelise a lot more, but I still do like Annelie anyway. It has quite a youthful, charming sound to it. I think it's particularly good as a nickname for Anneliese though.
There is a Dutch pianist known mononymously as Annelie.
Annelie is not a standard Polish name, but it has had some usage here. As of January this year, there have been 15 women in Poland with the first name Annelie. Possible nicknames include the same as Anna plus maybe Nela, Anelka, Anielka, Nelka, Neli. An Annelie could celebrate her name day together with Anna, most commonly July 26.
If you pronounce it like the Finnish version, it's onna-lee. I absolutely love the name with this pronunciation!
Ooh, this is much prettier than Annalee.
I’ve always hated Annalise, but this name is gorgeous. It’s cute and the spelling looks nice. I would definitely consider using this one day!
Very pretty. I prefer this over Annalee. This spelling looks nicer and flows better.
AN-ə-lee in English.
Annelie Buntenbach is a German politician (Green party) and trade union official.
Annelie Pompe is an adventurer and athlete from Gothenburg, Sweden. She is as a professional adventurer, motivational speaker, photographer (mainly underwater), freediving instructor, yoga instructor, writer, personal trainer and coach.
This is such a beautiful name! It is also very unique! I would totally use this name if I had a daughter, I just hope that it does not become too popular, but I would not be surprised if it did! (:
Analie is another way to spell it, but ANNELIE is beautiful!
That is my nickname, my real name is Ena, and everybody calls me Anneli. I pronounce it like a combination of Annie and Lee (Annielee).
Director Juraj Herz and actress Terezie Pokorná have a daughter Annelie Herz.
To clear up pronunciation issues: In Germany, the name could probably be pronounced Anna-li OR Ann-ay-lyeh. The first pronunciation would be a shortening of Anneliese, and the second is the phonetic pronunciation, similar to the name Ottilie, which is pronounced "Ott-ee-lyeh."
This is such a sweet and beautiful name, I am falling in love with this name!
In Sweden this is just a more modern spelling of Anneli, both originally petforms of names like Anne-Louise, but used as a name since the late 1800's. Why are the two spellings listed here as different names?
I met someone with this name for the first time this year, and I loved it as soon as I heard it. At first I thought it was pronounced Anne Lee, but once I heard the correct pronunciation, which is Anna Lee, I thought it was beautiful. I would definitely consider naming my daughter Annelie. I also like the fact that it’s not very popular or overused.
I love the name & pronunciation, but I really like tbird's Ehn-el.
German pronunciation is indeed AHN-neh-lee. [noted -ed]
My sister is called Annelieke, -ke being a common Dutch diminutive ending. The pronunciation Ahn-nEH-lEE sounds about right. In my family the name's been composed of Anne & lieke (Elizabeth) though, not Annelie & -ke.
I think a German pronunciation of Annelie is Ahn-neh-lee, isn't it? It's a nice name.
This is such a cute name! I love it! The American pronunciation is Anna-LEE, but I think in Germany it's pronounced Ehn-elI.
Actually, the German pronuncation would be more like 'Anneh-lia'.

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