Finnish pronunciation:HE-noWhile "HE-no" (also "HEY-no") is the simple explanation for Heino, the "-ei-" is actually more of a "eh-ee" (both vowels are full ("HE-EE-no"), though most people without knowledge of the Finnish language probably wouldn't notice due to the fluidity and speed in which it is said). "O" is slightly blunted. [noted -ed]
Derivative from "heinä" meaning hay in finnish. Parents named their sons Heino so he would be a very hard working hay scyther.
I guess this name would be fine in a non-English country, but the spelling reminds me of the word "heinous", which means "utterly odious or wicked".
I always thought that this was from the Finnish word heinä which means hay. But that's just my association, since they sound similar, not the correct or variant source or anything.
Heino Ferch (born 1963) is a German actor famous for playing Albert Speer in Downfall, and also the gangster Ronnie in the Cult film Run Lola Run.
Famous bearer: German singer Heino (born Heinz Georg Kramm, 13 December 1938, Düsseldorf).
In Estonia Heino has become an independent form, originally deriving from the German Heinrich. This name exists in Finnish as well; the vowel combination and O ending make this name sound classically Finnic.

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