In the first decade of the 21st century Nixon was especially popular as a boys' first name in Utah. It is one of the few names common in that state where its popularity did NOT predict a big increase in use all over the USA a decade or so later.
I actually know a (black) kid named Nixon. Unsurprisingly, he has very right-wing views. I’m just surprised any self-respecting black person would actually want to name their child after Richard Nixon. Yikes. Objectively without that association and just the meaning itself Nixon is a fine name. I like Nix.
I've never heard this before! Nice!
Since my husband's name is Nicolas, I thought the meaning of this name being son of Nicholas was really neat. Definitely a middle name contender, I do think as a name in general most people do think of the President with this name.
Nixon Knowles (born 2010) is Beyoncé's younger half-brother.
Let that name wallow at Watergate, while the other names wrongfully neglected by the fake nonsense others call real and trendy do their job.
Because of the political controversy with Richard Nixon, this shouldn't be used as a first name.

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