I believe nobody would name their kid this in 2018.
For those of you who think this is what the Egyptian Pharaoh was named, you're wrong.
This name is spelled "T-U-T-A-N-K-H-A-M-O-N", however the pharaoh's name was spelled "T-U-T-A-N-K-H-A-M-U-N".
The pharaoh's name was spelled in an entirely different writing system. These are both legitimate transliterations.
I've also heard it pronounced "too-tehn-kah-MOON," with an emphasis on the last syllable.
This looks ridiculous as a name.
I think it sounds very Egyptian! The Ancient Egyptains, in by way of thinking, had great imagination!
It's an okay name. But seriously, who would name their kid this? Who would want to be named this? Nobody.
It is an interesting name, but don't name your kids this, please! They'll be 'King Tut' all their lives.
Pronounced: (TOOT-on-KHAM-un) Doesn't it sound funny? :)
Another possible meaning of Tutankhamon could be 'Living image of Amon' as pharaohs were deified.

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