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I am the joint guardian of a girl named Meg, but I refer to her as my daughter. Her parents have the surnames Full and Stoppe, so her full name is Meg Full- Stoppe. Many people think her name is actually MEGAN, but we have to correct them, as her FULL NAME is JUST MEG. Meg means Pearl in Greek, which is perfect for my beautiful little girl, as well as Meg backwards spelling Gem. Her friends call her Megamind and Megatron, but she doesn't mind it and is never bullied for her name. Meg is PERFECT for a beautiful, talented, kind and intelligent girl. It ages beautifully and has been a classic for a long time. ♡♡♡♡ Sleep well my beautiful baby girl ♡♡♡♡♡.
Meg Tevelian is a male bearer of that short form. He was a Jazz musician and Bandleader of Armenian descent living in Germany.
In 2019, 4 babies were named Meg in England and Wales.
Meg is such a sexy girl. I want to kiss every Meg that exists. I knew a Meg in high school and I wanted to sell myself to her, a shame she needed no money. I love the name, it reminds me of a lavender field with rabbits running too and fro looking for a lover. Meg reminds me of a club in NYC that's bustling with people but outside it's raining and quiet. It reminds me of a pumpkin soup on a freezing day that makes you think you will survive. I want to reincarnate as a Meg sooooo bad!
Cute! Also, Margaret Murry (Meg) is a character in the novel A Wrinkle In Time.
I think this is beautiful, but I don't understand how this, Maegan, Megan, and Meghan are diminutives of Margaret though.
Hm, I love the name Margaret, and the name Meg reminds me of Meg March from the book/movie Little Women. This is a good nickname for Margaret.
"Shut up Meg!" Lol sorry to anyone named this.
Hi my name is Meg, short for Megalodon.
Could also be short for Nutmeg, if you had a pet with that name...
My name is Meg, it's not short for anything, just Meg. When I was younger people called me Megan which was frustrating. I like my name and like how it's not too common, but not really wacky. :)
My name is Meg, short for Margaret and I don't like when people say my name is Megan. Meg is a nice name and isn't hard to pronounce. Maggie is also a great name and it isn't shrewd.
Thank You. #MegStrong #Megisthebestnameever.
This name is now in modern day more often used for MEGAN.
I always think of Meg from family Guy.
It's also a diminutive for Megan.
Meg is the name of a novel series by Steve Alten. The name does not refer to a specific character - it's short for megalodon, the species of the giant prehistoric sharks featured in the series.
Meg is the name of one of Rick Riordan's characters in the Trials of Apollo.
I prefer it as a short for the name Megan. Margaret has too many nicknames like Elizabeth or Mary.
Easily the prettiest nickname for Margaret in my honest opinion. I have loved Meg since finding the character Meg Merrilees in Sir Walter Scott's novel "Guy Mannering".
The lovely name Meg was originally a nickname for the wonderful name Margaret, not Megan. I think Meg is a trillion times prettier and more elegant than the rather horrid nickname "Maggie," which sounds to me like a shrew. Yes, Meg could be a nickname for Megan, but again, it was originally a nickname for Margaret. That being said, I think Meg stands very nicely on its own. Reminds me of nutmeg and rustic beauty.
I absolutely love the name Meg. :D ♥ It's so simple yet cute and pretty. :D It makes me think of writer Meg Rosoff. Also, it makes me think of American rock band Meg & Dia who have this awesome song "Monster" which I totally recommend listening to if you haven't already! :D.
My name is Megan and I hate when people call me Meg. It just sounds so gross and unoriginal and it cuts off my name at a harsh sounding place.
Meg was given to 27 baby girls born in the US in 2012 as a full name.
My name is Margaret Mary and I have gone by Meg my entire life. I love it! I have yet to have any problems with someone having the same name as me. I know a lot of Margaret's who go by Maggie, and I feel like my name is more unique. The only downside is that some people think my real name is Megan (which I cannot stand). Overall, I like my name and I'm glad my parents chose Meg and not the more common Maggie.
Also as a teenager living with the name Meg while Family Guy is extremely popular, I have not had one Meg Griffin joke thrown my way.
A nickname for Meg is Meggie.
No way. I wouldn't name my kid after that arrogant snob Meg Ryan. And I wouldn't want to get Meg Griffin jokes either.
My name is Megan, but I find it really irritating when people call me Meg. My family and friends have always done it, and probably always will, out of habit. Meg doesn't look like a finished name, in my opinion-it lacks. And yet, I will always be cursed to be called "Meg", no matter how many times I correct people.As a pet name for Margaret, I think it all depends on the person's opinion - if they'd rather be called Maggie, call them Maggie. If they prefer Meg, call them Meg, even though many people become confused.
This was the name of a character in the 1997 animated Disney movie HERCULES. She was Hercules's love interest.
I do believe this is a perfectly fine nickname for Margaret. The only downside that emerges is the annoyingly high number of people who, be it school or every day life, feel the need to start calling you Meghan. Yes, I do realize that it is easier to shorten Meghan or Megan to Meg. I get it. The first three letters are all the same. BUT. But. Meg is a perfectly acceptable nickname to Margaret and has been for long time. As previously said, however, most people do not appear to get that in real life. People will call me Meghan all the time, thinking they are so smart for coming up with a full name for me. It gets tedious, telling them that, no, in fact, my name is Margaret. But I digress. Meg is a lovely name that I would recommend greatly to both Margarets and Meghans. It is not too childish that you need to grow out of it, though I assume many people drop it for their full name because all their childhood friends used to call them it and it makes them feel more grown-up to be called their full name. I do know that I will continue to ask people who become my friends in college to call me Meg. ^^' Of course, I am guessing most of you already assumed most of the things I said. I was reading about how lots of people knew it as a nickname for Megan and Meghan.
Meg is the name of one of the girls in the Fueled by Ramen band, "Meg & Dia." I think it is also known as "The Meg & Dia Band."
In the movie "The Patriot" one of the main character's daughter's name is Meg but I have no clue as to who plays her in the movie.
This name rhymes with beg, keg, leg, and egg.
Meg Buehler is the name of an 1844 girl in the Sisters In Time series.
I really like it, it's short and sweet. Better on its own than as a nickname for Megan or Margaret.
This name is very powerful, I love it on its own and as a nickname for Meg. Meg Murry from a Wrinkle in Time is a "famous" bearer.
Meg White is the other half to the duo The White Stripes.
This name is pretty and simple, in my opinion.
I hate the nickname Meg, and Hercules and A Wrinkle in Time just makes it worse. Even though Meg is smart, she's emotionally unstable.
It's not usually short for Margaret, but Megan or something like that. Usually Margarets are Maggies.
It is too a short form of Margaret. In fact, it probably was a short form of Margaret before it was a short form of Megan, because Margaret is an older name than Megan is.
Another author who goes by this name is Meg Rosoff, who has only published one book so far, which is called 'How I Live Now', and is a sort of romantic/adventure/finding-yourself novel. =]
I like Meg on its own it looks very pretty. Just Meg on its own will suit a girl throughout her life.
Also short form of Megan.
Meg Murray/O'Keeffe is a character in Madeline L'Engle's Time Quartet. Her name is derived from the scientific "mega-" prefix.
Actually, Meg Murry (and later O'Keefe) had the full given name of Margaret. However, her parents, who were both scientists, gave her the nickname of 'Meg' because of the 'mega-' prefix.
This name is simple, but has plenty of character. I think it is the type of name, like Jane, that packs a lot into a short name. Very powerful.
Famous bearer is author Meg Cabot, who wrote THE PRINCESS DIARIES (later made into a major motion picture by Disney), as well as many other books. Her name is short for "Meggin", though.
Meg is the the name used for the daughter on the cartoon TV show Family Guy.
Actress Meg (born Margaret) Ryan is a famous bearer.
In the novel Little Women, the eldest March sister was called Meg, though her full name was Margaret.
It can be used as a short form of Marguerita.
The name is borne by a character in "Phantom of the Opera" (dancer Meg Giry).
It is also a short form for MEGAN or MEGHAN.

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