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Unfortunately, this is my name and I hate it. It's a rare name and it just sounds annoying to my ears. I'm named after my mom, God rest her soul but I always told her that I hated my name.
I love this name because Mitzi is one of my favorite cat villagers in Animal Crossing! I agree with the users below that I also don't know how is this name a diminutive of Maria.
I can't figure out how it comes from Maria! This was the name of my dog when I was a child. She was a daschound and the name seemed to fit her!
What a nice nickname! I still don't get how it's a variant of Maria, though...
A known Hungarian TV Presenter and her partner have a daughter named Mici (born in 2013), which is the Hungarian form of Mitzi.
Upper German (Rare)Meaning: Obsolescent Upper German diminutive of Maria, usually not used as given name in its own right. from name #22176 originally submitted by user Mitzy)
It's soooooo cute!
I personally find this name absolutely adorable, but I can see how it sounds childish and therefore wouldn't age well. I would recommend only using it as a nickname, and not a given one.
Mitzi from Animal Crossing.
Mitzi Hunt is a major character in the video game "The Cat Lady". Her cheery personality serves as a contrast to the more somber and cynical protagonist, Susan.
I think the name itself is cute and doesn't really sound ditzy, but I'd never use it since I can't seem to shake the association with that awful show Winx Club.
This name is so ugly. I died laughing while typing this lol. I hate it so much.
I still have the opinion that Mitzi is an ugly name. I hate it still. ;)
I've decided that I would use Mitzi as a nickname for Maria or Miriam though.
So many women name their small dogs Mitze. Most often poodles. I see it often. More than naming a child.
Mitzi is “Ditzi”! One more thing!“Shut Up Mitzi”Ha Ha! South Park reference!
Disgusting, annoying, horrible name. Anyone who names their girl this is insane. I don't care if one famous person 7 decades ago had it, it is so irritating to hear.
The name Mitzi was given to 25 girls born in the US in 2015.
Sounds like the name of a scrappy, mischievous girl!
Mitzi Gaynor (Born: September 4, 1931 and born as Francesca Marlene de Czanyi von Gerber) is an American actress, singer and dancer.
I think Mitzi is an unusual, cool and fun name for a girl! :D It sounds very cute and reminds me of mittens. ^^
I am DEFINITELY naming my child this someday if I ever get the chance. It's unique and sounds cute and magical.
This is my nickname. My family saw the Ritz hotel and replaced the R with an M, haha. At first through the years it reminded me of Mitzi the monkey from little bear, but my family has been calling me this my whole life so I've come to like it. I never really had any teasing with this name, but of course it was only a nickname. So being that kids can be cruel I wouldn't give my child this as a first name, but rather a middle, or nickname.
Mitzi was a mischievous monkey in the television adaptation of the Little Bear book series.
One of the most hideous, infantile, and tacky names out there. It sounds absolutely ridiculous and ditzy. Heck, it even rhymes with ditzy!
Hmm, I always thought Mitzi was a pet form of Miriam.
To the comment saying Mitzi is a pet form of Miriam, I've heard Miriam's go by Mitzi.
So cute. You've got to love it.
This name is just adorable. What a wonderful nickname.

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