I think Reyes is a beautiful name. It is graced with strength, Spanish charm, and a powerful meaning. It is a classic but also sounds modern and youthful, which is a rare attribute in a name. Although I would prefer it for a male, I think it would suit a female beautifully as well, especially considering the association with the Virgin Mary. Overall, I think Reyes is a wonderful name.
The best name in the world.
Reyes is very surname-y to me but it’s not half bad as a name I guess. The sound just isn’t that attractive to me. I find it a little more boyish due to the meaning.
Despite being a legit female name, this looks kind of weird as a girls' name due to the masculine meaning. We don't use this name in Brazil, so I'm not used to seeing it as a first name.
It reminds me of the disease Reye's syndrome which is caused by some random medication called aspirin. Most people think its caused by some random genetic disorder.
I only heard this as a surname, but if ever used as a first name I can only see it on a male.
I've only ever heard it as a surname.
This seems to be more common as a feminine name in Spain, but in the United States (which has a large Hispanic population) Reyes is mainly a masculine name.
I'm too used to seeing this as a last name, and it doesn't seem like the kind of last name that could work as a first name.
Monica Reyes (The X-Files).
In Spain, this name is most common in the province of Sevilla.
About the masculine/feminine thing:
According to the official statistics, there are 6070 women named Reyes in Spain, and there are 1530 men named Reyes, so it is predominately a feminine name, but like many names which honour the Virgin Mary, it is occasionally given to boys.
Hugo "Hurley" Reyes is a fictional character on the ABC television series Lost played by Jorge Garcia.
This is a Spanish name that has nothing to do with the Magi (Three Wise men) of the Bible. Our Lady of the Kings (La Virgen de los Reyes, Santa Maria de los Reyes) is a marian advocation of the Catholic tradition. She's actually the Patron Saint of the Andalusian city of Seville and her 12th century image is venerated at the Cathedral main altar. According to the legend, the Virgin Mary appeared to King Ferdinand III in 1248 on the eve of his battle against the Muslim king of Seville announcing him his victory over the enemy army. Later, the pious king summoned artists all over kingdom of Castile to fashion a sculpture of the Virgin exactly as he has seen her in her miraculous apparition, so that he could have it for his private cult. Two angels, disguised as foreign artisans, came to his court and accomplished the king's wish. [noted -ed]
Uh, guys, Reye's Syndrome?
No. This name is pronounced REH-yes.
To the anonymous user above: even if it IS pronounced REH-yes, which it is, it still LOOKS like Reye's syndrome. All I think of when I see this name is how I read something about Reye's syndrome when I was little and it freaked me out.
Actually in Spain, Reyes is currently a more feminine name. [translated]

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